Page 20 of Demented Devil

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Her car waited for her outside, a sleek black Jaguar to match her husband’s. It had been Maxim’s wedding gift. Sofia placed the laptop in the seat next to the driver’s. Before she could get behind the wheel, Aldo appeared, looking slightly out of breath.

“Sofia, you know your father means well,” Aldo said. “There’s just been plenty on his mind.”

“He should focus on finding Aurora’s murderer, not trying to impress Maxim,” Sofia snapped. “He acts like Aurora’s death is nothing but an inconvenience.”

“Lorenzo cared about Aurora, about you both,” Aldo said. “We will find those responsible for your sister’s death, Sofia, and we’ll make them pay.”

Sofia said nothing. Back in her car, she drove out of the gates and headed for her new home.

Maxim’s place was in one of the newer, glitzy neighborhoods in the city. It only took her half an hour to reach their street. The enormous gated estates here lay far apart from each other.

The Semenov Estate was built like a fortress. Barb-wire graced the tops of the gloomy brick walls. The massive, iron-wrought gate looked imposing. Two armed guards were always stationed at the front. The first time Sofia had seen it, Maxim and she were returning from the hotel.

Dread lined her stomach when they drove in. It felt like they were entering a prison, but the 8000-square feet Georgian-style mansion surprised her.

The realization dawned on Sofia that everything was about perception. Instead of viewing this place as another cage, she could see it as a palace fit for a queen.


Maxim broke away from his conversation with Lev as his wife pulled into the driveway. He watched as the driver’s door opened, and he caught an eyeful of Sofia’s smooth, long thigh.

His wife wore a short-sleeved yellow dress printed with tiny daisies. Her dainty little feet were encased in nude-colored flats.

Sofia came to a halt when she spotted them. For a moment, she reminded him once more of a rabbit caught in a trap. Then a complete transformation came over her. Sofia straightened her back and shoulders. She walked up to him, laptop slung under one arm, then pressed a kiss on his cheek. Maxim held her possessively close and kissed her rough and deep, pleased she didn’t resist. Sofia panted when he pulled away, her cheeks and neck flushed.

“You got what you needed?” Maxim asked her.

Sofia nodded, glancing at Lev, who gave her a curt nod. Lev got into his own car and drove away, leaving the two of them alone. They weren’t completely alone, of course.

There were Maxim’s guards and hired help to consider. His lieutenants and associates frequently dropped by.

His home also served as the organization’s headquarters after all, but Maxim made it clear to his men that he didn’t want to be disturbed for the rest of today.

“I have something to show you. A gift,” Maxim said, reaching for Sofia’s free hand.

“You’ve already given me a present,” Sofia said, looking at her car.

“This is another. Come.” Maxim pulled her back into the house. “Do you know your way around the place yet?”

“Almost,” Sofia answered.

Maxim led her up the stairs. Their bedroom lay at the foot of the second floor, but he walked past that room. At the end of the corridor, he stopped in front of a closed door.

“What’s this?” Sofia asked him, gaze questioning.

“See for yourself,” Maxim said.

Sofia pushed the door open, and Maxim watched her take it all in. The currently empty built-in shelves, the large mahogany desk, and the comfy leather couch by the window. A space for her to work and relax.

“What is this room?” Sofia asked, finally turning to look at him.

“It is yours, I understand you would require a space for your work,” Maxim said.

“All this is mine?” Sofia asked, her voice breaking a little. She broke away from him and started exploring the room.

“Right now, there isn’t much, but I figure you would want to decorate the space yourself,” Maxim said conversationally. He placed his hands in the pockets of his trousers, observing her reaction as she ran her fingers across the custom-built shelves.

Sofia’s careful mask slipped. She reminded him of a delighted child as she danced her way around the room. Finally, she placed her laptop on the desk and plunked down on the leather swivel chair.

Tags: Winter Sloane Erotic