Page 13 of Demented Devil

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Chapter Five

Sofia watched her Aunt Elena and Uncle Flynn on the dance floor. The couple smiled at each other despite the carnage at the church earlier.

She mentally ticked off all the tasks required of her and Maxim—wedding dance, cutting the cake, and throwing the bouquet. All done.

Most of the quests had relaxed once alcohol was served. Her husband sat next to her, speaking in a tone too low for Sofia to hear. Lev nodded, eyes hooded, left arm in a make-shift sling.

A handsome couple in their thirties, whose names Sofia didn’t know, approached the table and congratulated Maxim and her. They looked important enough that Maxim gave them a nod of acknowledgment. Sofia smiled and engaged in fluffy conversation with the woman. She gushed over Sofia’s engagement ring.

“Were you surprised when Maxim proposed to you?” this unknown woman asked her.

“I was. I didn’t expect his proposal at all,” Sofia artfully lied. She forced herself to smile.

Part of Sofia wondered when these people would find out she was nothing but a fraud. Sofia acted the way she imagined Aurora would. Composed but friendly, like nothing could faze her.

Truth was, the shooting had left Sofia shaken, shocked to the core. Why should it, when Sofia had already experienced two tragedies in her life?

The moment Maxim tugged her arm and forced her to the ground, a frightening thought had floated in Sofia’s mind, that she wouldn’t mind dying today. Sofia would only follow her mother and sister to the afterlife. Let her father drown in his guilt and grief.

The rage in her new husband’s eyes had fortunately jerked Sofia back to reality. When he ordered her to take cover behind the altar, a strange thrill went down her spine.

Whether the excitement came from the dangerous situation they had found themselves in or from Maxim giving her commands, Sofia wasn’t certain.

Maxim broke off from his conversation with Lev and brushed his hand over Sofia’s exposed arm. The fine hairs on her skin rose at his touch. Sofia had changed into a more comfortable white sundress dress in the car before heading to the ballroom where the reception was held.

“The way you’ve handled the guests is admirable, wife,” Maxim said.

“Is that a compliment?” she asked him.

“What do you think?” Maxim trailed his fingers up her arm, then he traced the line of silk barely covering her breasts.

Her breath caught. Maxim pulled away, as if he enjoyed seeing her look unsettled.Bastard.

Yet, why did she not discourage him? Another guest approached the table.

This time, it was an elderly man in his late fifties, accompanied by two men in sharp suits. One of Lorenzo’s business associates, although she couldn’t quite recall his name at the moment.

“May I congratulate the bride?” the old man asked.

“Of course, Estefan,” Maxim said.

Sofia held out a hand, which Estefan kissed. All she had to do was keep smiling, even though her face had started to hurt a little. She watched Maxim handle their guests with ease. He seemed to be better at dealing with people than she was. No surprise there.

Maxim’s frightening words in the church came back to her. That she became his property the moment they said those empty and meaningless vows. Thinking about the two of them withdrawing from the party and heading back to their suite to consummate their wedding terrified and thrilled Sofia at the same time.

What would Aurora do in this situation? Would she continually fight until every bit of her energy in her body would be drained, or would she simply yield?

Sofia touched her lips, recalling Maxim’s savage kiss back at the church. One kiss, and he lit her entire body on fire. She pictured the two of them alone in their honeymoon suite. Maxim used his hands and lips on her to drive her insane and had her desperately begging him for more.

It should scare her how much power her new husband had over her. The temperature in the room soared. The walls seemed to press close. Enough fake fraternizing.

Hadn’t she played the role of the young and happy bride well enough? Sofia had reached her limit for the day and wanted to leave all this frivolity behind.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Maxim asked, taking her hand in his. He lifted Sofia’s fingers to his lips, then kissed them. The brief contact sent a tingle up her arm.

“When can we leave?” Sofia asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

Maxim raised his eyebrows, then flashed her a ravenous smile that reminded her of a hungry wolf. Hesitation swamped her. Had she made the wrong choice? He lowered her hand and seemed to have made a decision.

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