Page 3 of Breaking Bedrock

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William smiled. “Whatever it takes.”


Addie grabbed for the door in a hurry, trying to beat the downpour she knew was coming. Stopping just inside the door of the coffee shop, she shook the mist from her dress and took it all in. She loved the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the laughter and the whispers, but most of all Addie loved the variety of aromas. This particular coffee shop felt like home to her. It was where she and her best friend Jessica had met weekly every Monday morning since college. In the early days, it was just for a quick cup and a few words here and there on Addie’s way to work and after Jess had finished her morning workout, but as time went on and babies came, they’d each wheel in their strollers and sometimes sit for hours in between their kids’ nap and snack schedules. There were many weeks where that Monday coffee date was one of the few things Addie looked forward to, but not today.

Addie noticed Jess first sitting in the corner in what they’d dubbed “their spot.” Staring out the window as though searching for something, Jessica looked more beautiful than ever. While Addison’s life was falling apart, Jessica’s seemed better than ever. This had undoubtedly taken a toll on their friendship, even if it was an unspoken one. The only person harder on Addison than she was herself was Jess. Addie always loved this about their relationship, the fact that Jessica pushed her to be better. She nev

er let Addie off the hook, but her advice was always delivered with love, until their last conversation several months ago in her hospital room. It’s now or never. Drawing in a deep breath, Addie let it out slowly and walked over to the table.

“Jess.” Addie whispered.

Looking up, Jess smiled as Addison gripped her tightly and pulled back a bit, noticing how good her friend looked. All at once realized just how much she’d missed her.

“Here. I ordered for you.” Jess said, pushing the cup across the table.

Addie lifted the hot cup as though to say cheers. “Thank you.”

“Look, Addison, I apologize for everything I said. It wasn’t my place, and I realize that.”

Addie smirked. “Oh well, when has that ever stopped you before?”

“Addison, I’m serious. Just let me speak. I need to say this. I’m sorry for how hard I came down on you before. It’s just . . . It’s just that I realized that I almost lost you, that we all almost lost you. I do stand by the fact that you made some very, VERY stupid choices, but I shouldn’t have allowed my anger, really my fear, to get in the way of being there for you. And for that I’m sorry.”

Addie took a long sip, letting the smooth hot liquid run down her throat. “I know, Jess. But everything you said was true. I let you down. I let a lot of people down.” Feeling the tears well up, Addie stopped herself.

Always one to know the right thing to say, Jess changed the subject. “How are the boys?”

“They’re good. Thankfully, they really don’t seem to notice anything is out of the ordinary.

“And Patrick?”

“Patrick is, uh, you know, Patrick.”



Jess leaned in close, crossing her arms on the table. “This is me you’re talking to. Tell me everything, and start from the beginning. Why did you sleep with him? How did it start? And most importantly, why in the hell did you keep it all from me? I feel like I don’t even know you.”

“Sometimes it feels as if I don’t even know myself.” Addison chuckled.

Not letting her off the hook, Jess pressed on. “Okay, go on.”

“Come on, Jess. You know the story. The media’s plastered it everywhere.”

“I don’t give a fuck what the media says. I want to hear it from you.”

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. It just kind of happened. I made a mistake that day in the elevator. I guess that’s where it started. It was so out of character for me to have sex with someone I didn’t even know. But the odd thing is I felt as though I did know him, Jess. There was something in his eyes I saw . . . I can’t exactly explain it, but there was something I recognized. And I realized right then and there, that I wanted whatever that thing was without even thinking really . . . I just thought what the hell? So . . . I just let myself go with it. I don’t know why I chose to do what I did. For once, I guess I just listened to what my heart was telling me and drowned out the voice in my head. And you know what, Jess? That’s how it is with him. I just feel. It’s different. I can’t explain it . . .”

Jess reached for Addie’s hand and squeezed. “Oh, honey, you’re in so much trouble.”

Addie waved her off. “No, I ended it. It’s done.”

Jess tossed her head back and laughed before her face grew serious again. “For whom?”

Addie pondered her question for a moment before speaking. “For everyone. I need to focus on my family, on the trial, and on work.”

“And Patrick? Wait? You’re going back to work? So soon?”

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