Page 37 of Grump Daddy

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Inhaling Isabella’s citrussy, fruity scent is one of my favorite things to do. I lean in closer as she’s tucked under my arm, and let the smell of her hair flood my nostrils. It’s a smell I definitely want to keep in my mind no matter what happens with all of this.

Oh, what am I talking about? Like anything can become of this. It’s all well and good here while we’re on the island, in paradise, and it feels like none of this is quite real, but I can’tactuallydate Olivia’s friend.

My daughter will never forgive me, ever.

“How are you feeling?” I ask as I tickle my fingers gently up and down her arms.

“Mmm, I’m much better now,” Isabella murmurs as she rolls over onto her front, glancing up at me through her eyelashes.

I can hardly breathe because she is so freaking beautiful. “Thank you so much for protecting me from Michael. I’m sorry if I wrecked your deal…”

“Hey no.” I lean my lips down and kiss hers, electricity bolting through my body. “That isnotyour fault. He’s the pig. He’s the one who overstepped the boundary and abused his position. There’s no way you can blame yourself for that. And there is nowayI would want to work with anyone who thinks it’s okay to act like that around women anyway, so I’m glad not to have anything to do with him.”

She still looks a little guilty, which is a shame. I don’t want her to feel that way at all. Michael is the only person who needs to be apologizing o feeling bad. But I don’t want to hear that little shit saying that he’s sorry. I want him Goddamn gone forever. I’m hoping he’s already left the island, if he’s smart by now he’ll be far away from here and me. I don’t know what I’ll do if our paths cross again. It certainly won’t end well for him.

“So, what’s the plan now?” I ask as I lace my fingers through Isabella’s hand. Holding on to her, looking at the way our hands look so right together is a strange sensation. I know I have to let her go, but at the same time I don’t want to.

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with me?

“I don’t want to move from right here,” Isabella murmurs, that smile spreading even wider across her face. “I am loving this place. It’s my happiest moment on the island so far.”

Shit, I feel the same way too. I don’t need to be anywhere, and nor does she. Tonight we can just be here in my bed without worrying about the rest of the world. Since we have already overcome the boundary where it was supposed to be nothing more than a one-night stand, why not keep on barreling down that path? We’re already in trouble, so…

“Sounds good to me.” I pull her back to me and we kiss some more. “There isn’t anywhere else in the world that I would rather be either.”

Knock, knock, knock.

God damn it. We both freeze as the outside world comes for us, even if we aren’t looking for it. Isabella and I both freeze up, understanding the gravity of the situation. What do we do? Should we sit around here and hope that they go away? Or do we answer the door and shoo them off?

Isabella looks just as confused by all of this as I feel.

Knock, knock.

“Dad, are you in there?”

Fuck. This just got a million times worse. It’s Olivia and she’s calling me Dad again in that soft, sweet tone of voice. I think I might puke.

“Shit, you need to get that,” Isabella insists. “You can’t leave her out there.”

“I know but…” I point between us both, our naked bodies which isn’t going to be a great sight for Olivia. “What the hell are we going to do?”

Isabella jumps out the bed and gathers up her clothing before I can say anything more. I barely even register what’s going on when she bolts for the bathroom and gets the shower running.

Shit, okay so I guess we’re just going to play innocent. I amnotgood at this sort of stuff, but I’m going to have to make it work for the sake of Olivia.

My heart pounds as I shove on some sweat pants and a tee shirt. This feels like we’re about to get caught out and I hate it. Even if it feels good with Isabella, I really shouldn’t be screwing around with her and risking my one chance at redemption with Olivia.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I rake my hands through my hair as I check my reflection. I don’t know how I look, certainly not great, but I don’t have much choice, I’m going to have to try and face this situation as best I can. I pad towards the front door of my cabin, swallowing hard.

“Oh, hey, Olivia… Benji.”

They are too wrapped up in one another to notice how strained my voice is, thank goodness.

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance