Page 34 of Grump Daddy

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“Yeah, the more you struggle, Izzy, the more I want you. I like it like that.”



What the fuck is going on?

I race towards Michael, not even trying to see anything other than the red mist that’s descended in front of my eyes. I can’t think rationally that this is something that may well be happening with consent because it doesn’t feel that way at all. The vibes in the room are all wrong, Michael is screaming ‘predator’ and I hate that about him.

“Get the fuck off her.” I grab his clothes and yank him hard, flinging him to the floor. Spotting the fear in Isabella’s eyes winds me up even more. What the Goddamn hell is wrong with all the men on this island? Is it the feeling that they can just get away with whatever the hell they want because this is a paradise in the middle of the ocean? “What the hell are you playing at, Michael? That isnotthe way to treat women.”

I take back what I had thought the night before. Nothing about him reminds me of myself. I wouldneverhave acted this way. My God, I might have not settled down in my life, but I have never been dishonest or controlling. I would never force a woman into a corner like this. It has me so angry I can’t stop panting as the sheer rage tries to ebb its way out of my body.

“Whoa, Elijah what the hell is wrong with you?” Michael laughs awkwardly as he tries to gather himself back up, I can see what he’s doing. Trying to get to his feet while holding his dignity intact. Like I give a shit about his dignity. “That was ridiculous. Nothing that’s happening here is that deep. You’re acting like a crazy person.”

My fists ball up by my side. I willnotlet this little asshole push me backward. He might think he rules the world at the moment, but I’m about to knock the fucker down a peg or two. If he isn’t careful, this could easily get really ugly.

“Michael, get the fuck out of here,” I say through gritted teeth, seeing in Isabella’s eyes that I shouldn’t do too much here because she’s been through enough. Shame, because I’d like to teach him a lesson, but I can do it in calmer ways in the future I’m sure. He’ll soon learn that he can’t do business in this way anyway. No one will want to deal with him. “And don’t ever come around me and Isabella again, you fucking freak. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Izzy wanted it!” he wails, making my Goddamn skin crawl. Urgh, how did I not pick up on his weird vibes earlier? “She was into it, I’m telling you…”

I roll my eyes and snort. “Just get out of here, I don’t want to hear from you anymore.”

As soon as he’s gone, Isabella’s knees give way and she nearly collapses to the ground. I wrap my arms around her and hold her up right before she can truly fall.

“I’m so sorry, Isabella. I had no idea he was like that. I just thought he was normal…”

“No, don’t worry,” she rasps as she tries to catch her breath. She must have been holding all the air in her lungs while that terrible exchange happened. “It isn’t your fault.”

It is though, isn’t it? Because I’m the one who introduced her to Michael. If I hadn’t made the call last night then she wouldn’t have been put in that terrible vulnerable situation today. God damn it, I shouldn’t have left her. I just wanted to call June back because she’s been contacting me a lot trying to find what’s going on with Olivia.

Guilt swims through my system as I lead Isabella out of the building and towards my cabin where I hope I’ll be able to calm her down and make her feel better. I will look after her as much as I can to make up for what just happened there.

“Whoa, Dad what happened?” Olivia’s words catch me off guard as we near the cabin, because I’m pretty sure that’s the first time she’s called me Dad without an element of sarcasm and hatred rolling off her tongue. That might be simply because she’s worried about her best friend, but I decide to take it as a step in the right direction anyway.

“Is Isabella okay?”

“She’s had a bit of a shock with a guy who overstepped his mark today.”

“What the fuck?” Olivia is rightfully mad. Benji stands behind her, not quite sure what to do with himself. “What an asshole, can I go kick his ass? I want to kick his ass.”

“I’ve sent him away; you don’t need to worry about him.”

Olivia catches my eyes and offers me a lopsided smile. I feel like a bit of a bridge might just have been built right now, not that I want to get my hopes up too much. Just in case.

“Well, Benji and I were about to go out for the day, but we can stay behind to keep an eye on you, Is. You look really shaken up.”

“Oh, I can do that,” I offer. Trying to do the right thing for Isabella and for Olivia as well. “I don’t have anything planned for the day so I can stick around.”

Isabella smiles at Olivia. “I will be fine. I’ll hang out with Elijah until I’m feeling a bit better. Then I can spend the day getting on with my work. I don’t want to ruin your date.”

Olivia is torn, I can see it written all over her face. She doesn’t want to waste any time with Benji because they won’t have forever, but at the same time she doesn’t want to abandon her friend. I try to offer her a reassuring smile so she knows not to worry.

Finally, she goes. She leads Benji away, trusting me with her friend. I’m glad, but it does make me feel a little bad knowing that I can’t be fully trusted with Isabella.

“I think I might just need a bit of a lie down if that is okay with you?” Isabella asks as we finally head inside. “I’m feeling a bit worn out. That was…”

“Yeah of course, you can sleep in my bed for a while. I completely understand. I know that was…well, it wasn’t good for either of us. I’m not surprised you’re struggling.”

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance