Page 27 of Grump Daddy

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Who the hell knows what is going to happen after this, but I don’t care about the future.

Only the right now. Only all ofthis.



I twist onto my side, rolling across the bed, noting that I’m very much alone before I even open my eyes. I suppose that’s for the best because as fun as it has been to throw caution to the wind in the heat of the moment, I don’tactuallywant to upset Olivia. I don’t think Isabella does either. Rational thought must have come back to her at some point.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss her. I would much rather have her next to me so we can hug one another, because I like the feel of her warm, taut body next to mine.

Ah well, nothing I can do about that.

I roll out of bed and pad over to the kitchen, heading to my favorite window in the cabin because of the view.

The view of Olivia and Isabelle’s cabin. Of course there is a lot to look at behind the cabin, but I can’t focus on any of that. It’s only that one cabin I’m interested in. Only them…only her.

God damn it, I am way too obsessed with Isabella already. I think I have been in a way ever since she was the one who swung open the door to her apartment and I ran my eyes all over her.

There they are!

My heart leaps up into my throat at the sight of them giggling over breakfast together. I’m so conflicted internally because on the one hand all I want to do is admire Isabella’s beauty, and think about all the incredible things that happened last night. But on the other hand, I really want to watch Olivia’s smiling, happy face, because after yesterday’s disastrous lunch I was certain she would want to leave quickly, to get away from me. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I smile to myself, darting my eyes between them both. I don’t think I have ever been so caught up in weird feelings like this before. With anyone. I mean, there hasn’t been anyone serious since June, only flings and one-night stands. No woman has ever captured my attention like this before.

Trust the one person to make me feel that way to be someone I shouldn’t be anywhere near. I don’t even want to think about what that says about me. What is going on with my brain?

Olivia senses my eyes upon her first. Surprisingly, when her gaze snaps up to meet mine, she breaks out into a grin and waves me over. Does she actually want me to join her? She does! That is…mind blowing actually.

What the hell is happening?

Maybe Isabella was right when she said Olivia just needed a moment to adjust and process everything. Now she might actually be more open to talk to me.

Well, if this opportunity is finally here, then I am not going to shut it down.

Nervously, because I still don’t know exactly what I’m going to face, I head outside to sit with them and settle down on a chair between them, which is a weird dynamic for sure. Made even worse by the way Isabella has her eyes firmly fixed downwards, refusing to look at me.

“We ordered lots of food,” Olivia tells me happily as she pushes a plate my way. “Please, help yourself. I think our eyes are bigger than our bellies.”

I do, because this is an olive branch I can’t ignore.

Olivia talks over my racing brain about her date yesterday with this guy she’s met on the island, Benji, while Isabella and I stew in the awkwardness surrounding us. I ignored all the consequences last night because I was so caught up in the moment, but now the consequences are all around me and it sucks.

I need to say something,anything, to try and make this horrible squeamish feeling change.

“So, I was thinking about heading to the waterfall today,” I announce as if this has been the plan all along. “You should come along, it’s a beautiful part of the island.”

At least that’s what I’ve seen online. I do think it’ll be a good place for me and Olivia to talk. To maybe have a picnic and run back over everything we talked about over lunch yesterday. But hopefully in a more productive way. A way where we can finally open up about everything and have a frank and honest talk.

We both need that.

“Oh, that would be nice,” Olivia replies cautiously. “But I promised Benji I would hang out with him today. Do you think he could come with us too?”

Oh God, this isn’t what I meant.

Not at all. My heart sinks as I nod, because what choice do I have? I can’t tell Olivia no; she’s an adult and I know she’ll refuse if I try and make this just about us. This is an olive branch I’ll just have to keep going with the flow.

“Awesome, it’s going to be so great! Isn’t it, Is?” She nudges Isabella in the side, who mutters back something unintelligble. “Do you want me to get Benji to bring one of his friends for you?”

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance