Page 17 of Grump Daddy

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Fuck any guy who thinks he can put his hands on a woman without consent.

“What the hell are you even doing here?” I yell. “Grabbing women off the street. This island is supposed to be a nice place where people can relax and enjoy themselves. Women shouldn’t have to try and protect themselves from people like you, Goddamn it. They should be able to walk around safely without someone like you getting in the way.”

“Hank, you are going to end up locked up again.” I spin around to see the person attached to this new voice. It’s one of the people working at the bar, with Lola behind him staring at me with wide eyed shock, like I’m the one who has overstepped the mark.

“Youknowthis guy?” I snap. “You know what he’s doing? Why the fuck is he just walking around then? Because there are lots of young women here who just want to enjoy themselves. You need to get hold of him now and make sure he’s locked away for good.”

The bartender looks at me blankly. Doesn’t he understand what I’m saying? It’s already bad enough that I can’t get much time with Olivia here, I don’t want to have to worry about her safety as well. I won’t be able to handle that.

“I’m serious!” I insist so loudly no one can ignore me. “Get the police here now. Get this asshole away from all the women on the island. He is dangerous.”

“He hasn’t ever done anything…”

Nope, I will not hear that. “He is a predator and that is enough.”

I rest my hands on my hips and stare firmly at the bartender until he finally cracks and does what I ask of him. He leadsHankinside, while ordering another member of staff to call the cops.

Thank fuck. Do they want Laucala Island to get a bad reputation for creepers? My God, it’s supposed to be a safe place, that’s one of its best features. I think they should aim to keep that!

“Thank you so much.” I almost forgot about the woman in the middle of all of this until she flies forward and flings herself into my arms, holding me close. “Thank you, Elijah. I didn’t think he was still out here. I thought he would leave. I wouldn’t have come outside again if I knew he was still there.”

Wait a minute.I yank back and stare at the all too familiar face. As soon as she called me Elijah I knew it was someone who knew me. I didn’t expect it to be Isabella though, with her bottom lip trembling and her eyes flooded with terror.

“Oh God, Isabella, are you okay?” I pull her back to me so I can hold her to my chest for a little while longer. Nothing that has come before this moment, matters. She’s scared and I want her to know she isn’t alone. I’m here to protect her no matter what. “That was awful…”

A thick lump of unpleasantness rolls up in my throat. My protective side shines free because I feel awful for Isabella. I don’t like seeing anyone vulnerable because of men like that.

“I’m okay now, thanks to you,” she whispers, her words warm against my chest.

Since Isabella doesn’t seem to want to let me go, I turn back to find Lola giving me suspicious eyes. What, like I can’t just want to help my daughter’s friend? Why the hell is she glaring at me now like I’m doing something wrong?

With a giant eye roll like she’s wasted her time talking to me, Lola spins on her heels and heads back inside the bar. Well, if she would rather be around someone like Hank then that is up to her. I have no desire to head back inside at all.

“Come on, Isabella,” I say quietly to her. “Let me get you inside.”

I keep her tucked underneath my arm as we walk towards the cabins. I don’t know why the air between us is so thick, but I do know I need to shatter it.

“Is Olivia not with you?”

Isabella shakes her head hard.

“No, she’s still at the party with some friends we met today. I don’t think she’s going to be back for a very long time.”

A very long time…does that mean something? Or am I being a creeper now as well? Goddamn it, I’m usually so good at reading people, but with Isabella it’s different. Lola, I knew exactly what she wanted, but Isabella has a mind I just can’t crack.

“Okay, well I don’t think there will be any worry about Hank coming back for you…” Oops, when she grips tighter onto my shirt, I realize my mistake. “He doesn’t even know where you are or anything, so you will be fine.”

She’s shaking. Hank has really upset her. What an ass. If he could see what sort of effect he’d had. Is this what he wants? For a woman to be afraid?

“If you want to come back to my cabin for a while, until Olivia returns, you can.”

I know that’s a risky offer, possibly a bit weird. It definitely twists my gut up in knots, but I also feel like it’s the right thing to do. To protect Isabella the same way that I would want Olivia to be protected.

“You wouldn’t mind? Because I don’t want to be on my own.”

“Well, I’m not far away from your cabin, so it’s no issue. We can keep an eye on yours and see when Olivia returns.”

I kinda assumed Lola would be the woman coming back with me tonight, but I’m glad that isn’t the case. Isabella doesn’t even fully let go of me as I grab my keys to unlock my door. I can only imagine what Hank said to her and it’s disgusting. First thing in the morning, I will make sure that piece of shit really is locked up where he belongs.

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance