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“I wouldn’t have thought so until I heard Mr. Wagner was present, to be honest. I had thought she had been highly selective and that was why she didn’t much care who matched with whom.”

“I suppose you are correct. Although, I do think she is particular friends with Miss Alcott.”

Peggy shrugged and grinned. “Miss Alcott can only wed with one.”

Connie laughed. “That is a true fact. But I am still left wondering why you have not started listing his many fine, sterling qualities.”

Peggy giggled again, much to Constance’s delight. “He is a fine, steady gentleman, but I fear you would find him boring, my lady."

Connie blinked. “Am I such a stickler, then?”

“Not overly so, but your sense of adventure is far more developed than is his.”

“I suppose we could stipulate that mine is more developed than most people’s.”

“True enough,” Peggy agreed immediately with another happy grin. Connie was more determined than ever that her friend find the life she most wanted. “He is a trifle fastidious. There was some complaining about the state of the roads. But once he got past that, he has plenty of interesting conversation. We share the same taste in books and food, and his estate isn’t terribly far from your family.”

“Why should that be a consideration? I am not thinking of him.”

Peggy laughed again but this time it was a little forced. “No, you are not. But your family has become my family, have they not?”

Contrite, Connie squeezed her friend’s hand. “Of course, they have. In fact, as a distant cousin, they have always been your family. You must forgive me. My brain has been addled.”

Peggy laughed anew. “The solution is you will just have to get to know him for yourself. I am not doing a fine job of explaining him, I can tell. But he is quite lovely and exactly what I would seek if I were free to seek a husband.”

“There is no encumbrance to your wedding, Peggy, surely you know that. I have loved having you as my companion these past years, but I know it is not where your heart is. I could not in good conscience drag you along with me if there was another situation for you. Please, don’t give me a second thought.” She laughed lightly and corrected herself. “Rather, of course you will give me a second thought, but please don’t allow it to weigh with you. If you find this gentleman acceptable and he comes up to scratch, I will happily stand with you at your wedding before I drag some other hapless female off to travel the world.”

Peggy appeared torn between being dubious and delighted. “But what will you do, truly? Won’t you mind having to get comfortable with someone new?”

Connie put her arm around her companion. “It is a part of life. And if I cannot adjust to a new companion, then I’m not worthy of what Grandmother Asquith entrusted me with. Now, Iwillimpose upon you to protect me from Wagner’s wiles. But that is as far as I will go. You mustn’t worry overmuch about my situation. It will work out.”

“You could wed,” Peggy suggested gently. “I saw you seemed quite content in Mr. Alcott’s company.”

“How did you have any time to note what I was up to? You seemed terribly occupied with your own concerns.” Constance wasn’t even going to countenance Peggy’s statement with a more specific reply.

“I am fully capable of keeping my wits, surely you know that. Now tell me about Mr. Alcott. He has just yesterday arrived, so I haven’t learned anything about him.”

“Are you going to set your cap for him, too?”

Peggy suddenly appeared as though Connie had slapped her, and Constance was instantly contrite.

“My dear, I am so sorry. That was a jest that went beyond the bounds. Do forgive me. I am trying to adjust my thought pattern and haven’t fully succeeded.”

The two women sat in silence each with an arm around the other, offering comfort and companionship as they both sank into their own thoughts.

Peggy sighed. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Connie. I knew what I was doing when I accepted your invitation to accompany you. I thought I would be content to travel the world at your side. I truly thought I would enjoy it immensely. And that isn’t to say that I haven’t enjoyed it. I have, as a matter of fact, even more than I would have expected. But I do long for a family and a home of my own. And if I can take this chance, I’m going to have to do so.”

“Of course, you are. Has anything been said?”

“No, not yet. And perhaps it will all come to nought.”

“Well then he would be a fool and unworthy of you,” Connie returned immediately. “If Lord Merton doesn’t come up to scratch and offer for you, we will find you someone else.”

Peggy laughed. “Am I to be your project now, then?”

Connie smiled at the question but couldn’t join her in laughter. There were too many concerns swirling in her head, but she was trying not to be selfish about it. Peggy needed to be provided for. Connie could see that clearly now. She would accept that her companions were to be temporary in the future as this was sure to happen again.

“Is there any possibility you might wish to settle down as well, my lady?” Peggy’s question was hesitant as though she feared broaching the subject.

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical