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“Not likely, Miss Smith,” Connie returned with a smile over her companion’s return to being more formal. “You weren’t mistaken, I do enjoy Mr. Alcott’s company. But can you really imagine my settling down to be a landowner’s wife? Staying in one place for the rest of my days? The man doesn’t even go up to Town.”

“He would have to when he inherits, wouldn’t he? To take his seat, I mean?”

Connie laughed. “You are truly conventional, aren’t you?”

“There’s no need to become insulting, my lady,” Peggy countered with laughter, knowing full well her mistress meant her no insult but also understanding the noblewoman’s view of conventionality. “But to answer your question, I can in fact see you settling down. I think you could do anything you set your mind and heart to. For now, that has been traveling around and seeing everything there is to see. In the future, it could very well be something else. There is no need to limit yourself, even in your own mind.”

“Perhaps not, but marriage is terribly permanent. And would be limiting by its very definition.”

“It would also avail you of other opportunities that might not be considered limits by many.”

Again, Connie squeezed her friend with the arm that was around her but then she jumped up and resumed her pacing.

“This is all very well and good to be debating, but it doesn’t change the current situation. Henry Wagner is at Everleigh, and I need to find out why. I am uncertain how to find out. I am open to your suggestions.”

“Have one of your servants start inquiries. Is that not why you travel with such an entourage?”

Connie laughed. She had grown so used to the multiple servants she brought with her everywhere, she had nearly forgotten about them. “You are a genius, my dear.” Having a course of action, however small, filled her with purpose.

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical