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Peggy nodded with understanding. “So, you need me to remain by your side no matter the circumstances, right? To lend you countenance and ensure the bounder cannot force you into matrimony.”

“I know it’s an imposition, Peggy, and I apologize, but there’s nought else I can do. Or rather, perhaps I can ask, would you rather leave here than be glued to my side?”

Peggy grinned and reached for her friend’s hand. “Constance Moreland, you are not a burden, and you needn’t apologize for asking me to do what you pay me to do. Of course, I will stick with you.”

Connie searched her companion’s face. “I had the impression you were enjoying the freer circumstances to pursue an opportunity for yourself.”

Peggy lifted one shoulder as though to dismiss Connie’s words even as a blush stole over her cheekbones. “If the opportunity is right, it shan’t disappear.”

Connie’s lips stretched into a ghost of a smile. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to stomach being such a close witness to her friend’s courtship, but it was that or leave. And she really did want to allow Peggy the opportunity to find her own life, even if it would by force rearrange Connie’s situation. Even if Peggy were to become affianced, she could still provide the protection Connie would need until another companion could be arranged.

With a sigh, Constance wondered why she was trying so hard. Perhaps she should just find a suitable husband and be done with it. At least if she chose for herself, she wouldn’t be forced or tricked into an even less welcome arrangement.

She couldn’t allow herself to be tied for life to someone who would ensnare her. It would be far different if the bounder professed feelings for her. That would perhaps even carry a hint of romance that could reconcile her to her fate. But no, the sneaky cretin just followed her around coveting her wealth and somehow, he had developed a conviction that he was entitled to it. Perhaps he was deranged. All the more reason to keep him at arm’s length.

“Still, Peg, I’m sorry. I was hoping this week we could each have the freedom of true independence.”

“Well, my dear, that was a daft wish, wasn’t it? We’re women of the upper echelons. Despite your pursuit of independence, it’s merely a façade. You cannot actually claim independence when you need to hire someone to accompany you.”

Constance knew her friend wasn’t being mean or cruel. It was truth she was speaking. But still, it felt a little like she had been stabbed in the heart. The shine was definitely wearing off the glow of her life of travel. But she refused to be saddled with such a specimen as Henry Wagner, no matter the cost.

“Tell me about his lordship,” she invited Peggy, longing for a distraction.

“Now?” Peggy questioned. “Don’t you need a nap or a change of attire or something? Isn’t that why you summoned me?”

“I summoned you because I cannot be alone without a peer to protect my fragile situation,” Constance reminded her with an edge to her voice. “I claimed to need a rest, but you know I slept reasonably well while travelling. I just needed to get away from that room for a moment. It was a sense of panic, to be honest.”

Now Peggy truly appeared concerned. “You never panic,” she said with her eyes wide and staring.

“I’ve never been followed about with quite this much determination,” Connie answered, gritting her teeth. “And finding him here, where I had every reason to think I would be completely safe for at least a se’en-night, was disheartening.”

“Of course, it was, you poor dear. Tell me, what can I do?”

“Distract me for a moment so I can settle and so I’m not bored while we sit here for a few minutes in support of my claim to need a moment. I really would love to hear about what you have going on.”

Peggy blushed. “I don’t have anything going on as you rather crassly put it, my lady.”

Connie laughed. “Don’t get all starchy with me. Are we not friends? Please, my mind is scattered. I beg of you, tell me. I promise to be happy for you. But I do want to know. Truly. Not just as a distraction.”

Peggy sat beside her mistress on the bed and clasped her hand for a moment. “I know, my dear, and I’m sorry for hesitating. I’m just afraid that it’s too nebulous. It’ll be like trying to catch mist if I talk about it too much right now. But you’re right. We are friends. I will tell you what I can. But truly, there’s not really anything to tell you right now.”

Connie grinned. “There’s enough to tell if you have that many fanciful words already.”

Peggy giggled. She actually giggled. Connie wouldn’t have thought her rather serious companion had such a sound within her.

“You are correct, I suppose. Lord Merton is enough of a gentleman that he wouldn’t spend that much time talking to me if he weren’t at least a little serious about it, wouldn’t you say? Although, to be honest, he sort of courted me years ago, and nothing came of it then, either.”

Connie bit her lip. So, it was true. Lord Merton. She had been under the impression that gentleman was courting the frequently disappearing Miss Alcott. Connie hadn’t paid enough attention to whom Peggy had been spending time with. Did that make her a terrible person? She rather suspected it did. She wasn’t sure if she ought to warn the other woman against him or not. It might appear churlish if she did, but would it be better to allow Peggy to learn the more painful way?

“I’ve always heard of him as being a perfect gentleman,” Connie finally answered. “But he would have been very young for courtship if he tried courting you years ago.”

Peggy grinned first but then frowned. “Why did you hesitate to answer at first? Do you know something about him that I ought to be aware of?”

Connie didn’t know whether she ought to say something but couldn’t avoid it now. “I thought he had been invited to court Miss Alcott. I would hate for you to be led along and hurt.”

“Well, I can assure you my emotions are not yet that engaged. But I also think the gentleman was invited to find a match, not a specific one. I have the impression Lady Adelaide will be most pleased by any matches she can claim ownership of; she doesn’t really mind who matches with who.”

“Do you think she’s that indiscriminate?”

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical