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“Well, we can’t help unless we know what your choices are,” Tess said from the formerly empty sex chair. She had moved it closer to Amanda’s own sex chair. Could they both be sex chairs? How kinky was that?

“Okay.” She took a few deep breaths and tried to forget about the sex chairs completely. “So, I don’t know if you all know that Hue can’t have kids. His ex and he went through the whole fertility thing a few years ago. So, he knows he can’t. Tested and failed. He doesn’t say how it all doesn’t work, but it doesn’t work.”

“I knew that,” Mia said, assuring the group she had the knowledge.

“And I haven’t been with anyone else since Noah was born. Or before that too, but that doesn’t matter. Heck, the last guy I was with was when he was conceived. Noah, that is. Not Hue.” Knowing she was rambling and stopping were two different things.

“Well, now we do,” Ruth said from her desk chair.

Turning, she glared at Ruth for a moment, then looked at Mia for a moment and Tess, who looked uncomfortable in the other sex chair. “I think they have sex in the chairs. Why else are the in here?”

Tess started to laugh at her. She knew it was at her and not with her because Amanda wasn’t laughing. Mia was laughing also.

“Are you on something?” Ruth demanded

“No, I think I’m having a mental break because I think I’m pregnant.” Amanda quickly covered her face with her hands.

“But your baby is little,” Mia gasped, pointing out the obvious.

“Yup, I know that.” Amanda glared at her between her splayed fingers.

“So, you don’t want a baby with Hue?” Ruth looked at her in confusion, probably wondering how she cracked the code of the sex chairs.

“Of course, I want a baby with Hue, but he can’t have a baby, and I shouldn’t have a baby again yet. It’s too early for that again, right? They will be like six months apart. Seven? Eight? Why is math so hard?” She groaned.

“I don’t see the issue. Just talk to him. All it takes is one good swimmer.” Mia made a hand gesture that more resembled a snake to Amanda. “Or maybe his swimmers were all killed by Krystal. I can understand her uterus being uninhabitable.”

“I’m glad I never met this woman.” Tess ran a hand over Amanda’s hair in comfort.

“I took a home test. It was positive, but I only had one. And it was over a year old. I don’t know if that’s considered old with pregnancy tests. I would assume not. Anyway, I can’t go down to the clinic or even to Grand Forks or I have to tell Hue why I’m leaving because he’s home for two more weeks. I don’t want to tell him if I’m not really pregnant, but I can’t get away to even get tested.” She dropped her hands and looked at the ceiling.

“What about your miscarriage issue?” Tess asked and took Amanda’s hand in hers.

“I don’t know. David said it might have been stress and that we would monitor it very closely if I get pregnant again. But I’m not too worried. I guess I am more excited to have Hue’s baby than worried I will lose it. I mean, if I do, I still have Noah at home,” Amanda said to the ceiling.

“So, you want to confirm it before you tell him, just in case. But what if he accuses you of cheating since he is not supposed to be able to knock you up?” Ruth asked.

“I don’t know. It’s possible. I don’t know where I would have found someone to cheat with. Would I have gone to a bar and picked up someone? What do I say, ‘Oh, don’t mind the giant wound on my stomach and that my boobs are leaking? Let’s have sex.’” Maybe she should learn to keep her mouth shut.

“I have about four pregnancy tests upstairs if you want to try some more. There are different brands. And all newer than yours.” Ruth looked above her to where her apartment was.

“Let’s.” Mia jumped off the table.

“Everybody upstairs.” Tess ushered everyone out of the office.

Amanda slid on her soaking wet slippers and went with the group up to Ruth’s apartment. Ruth left her in the bathroom with the small group of tests sitting on the counter.

Within half an hour, they were all looking at four tests that said the same thing. Amanda was going to have two babies in one year.

“See, I told you,” she whispered at them.

“I do,” Tess said from beside her, looking and not touching the one in front of her.

“I’ve never seen a positive one before,” Mia said from her other side. “Let’s hope this is it for me for a while. No need to see too many positive pregnancy tests too often for us single ladies.” She looked around the room and scrunched up her nose. “Or me, the single lady.”

“If anyone tells Anderson I let you put those on the table, all of you die,” Ruth said from across the table.

“So, if they are 95% accurate, and you took five, what is the possibility that you are not pregnant?” Tess asked.

Tags: Alie Garnett Romance