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“We are not a couple.”

“You are having a baby.” Ilya didn’t need to remind her; it was something she couldn’t very well forget.

“We just had sex, Ilya,” Tess said.

“He came with you here. And so far, he has not run away.”

“My car is broken,” Tess stated, crossing her arms.

“You still brought him because you love him,” Tasha said and tapped at Tess’s chest, where her heart was.

“I do not,” Tess hissed at her niece.

“Oh, yes you do, Terezilya. I know you, and you are in love.” Ilya pointed to her.

“I beg to argue with you on this!” Tess stood up to leave. She couldn’t talk to these people.

“Argue away, but you have been head over heels for that man for months,” Tasha stated.

“I have not. I could barely stand him for months.” Tess glared at her niece.

“He didn’t like you, Terezilya, but you always liked him from day one.”

Sadly, her sister was right. Tess had thought the man was gorgeous ever since he’d first walked into her bank. Mostly she had tried to stay away from him because she didn’t want to stay in Landstad, but he had changed that for her. It was now where she belonged and wanted to be.

Pushing away from the table, she left her family. At this point, she didn’t care what they were thinking; she needed time to think for herself. Heading out of the house, she went straight to the barn, where the animals were.

Tess leaned against the gate and looked at the black and white creatures who were milling around the pasture beyond. They paid no attention to her, and she barely noticed them.

When had she let herself fall for Mathias? Because Ilya was right—she was in love with the man and had been for a long time. But her feelings for him didn’t matter. He went from hot to cold about her every few days. When he was hot it was easy to forget that they were over when they had left Landstad and that he didn’t even want the baby she carried. She was a fool for him.

Since he had gotten her out of her car, he had been the Mathias that she was deeply in love with, but the other Mathias was still there in him. Now he knew of her past, where she came from. Tess was certain that bringing him to meet her family was just going to be another one of her big mistakes. Her personal life had never turned out as well as her professional one did.

“I found you,” Mathias said softly, pulling her from her thoughts.

“I did not know I was lost.” She glanced sideways at him leaning on the fence with her.

“Not lost, but not where I left you.” He looked at the cows in the pen as well. “I could have sworn you once told me that you know nothing about cows.”

“I said I did not know anything aboutbeefcows. These are dairy,” she pointed out as Math smiled. “What would you have done that day if I had told you I was raised on a farm?”

Could everything have been different if she had just admitted the truth? Would they have had more time together? Would they still have fought often?

Pulling her into his arms, he replied, “I don’t know, but what I should have done was ask you to marry me on the spot.”

“You did not even know me. Plus, you hated me.”

“I tried to hate you, I really did. But I also really wanted to kiss you again and again.” He did kiss her then.

Pulling back from him, she said, “No, you did not. You still hated me days later.”

“I was an idiot. I should have demanded you marry me instead of going to Dottie’s to eat Easter ham.” He pulled her back.

“Demanded?” She raised an eyebrow at him in question.

“Demanded, Tess. Now, will you marry me? We have a kid coming.” He ran a hand over her stomach, over their growing baby.

“No, Mathias. I will not marry you because of the baby,” she insisted. She wasn’t going to be another forced marriage for him to regret.

Tags: Alie Garnett Romance