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Her hand paused turning the pages, when she came to one particular heading.How to use one's assets effectively while remaining chaste.

Hmm.She read on. The word bosom, tightening one's corset, and padding the breast were all points of mention. She sat back in her chair, wondering if she were so bold as to try such a thing this evening. Her gowns were beautiful and had improved as per the book’s suggestion, and the flirtation with her eyes had certainly worked. There was no logical reason why making a few alterations to her gown may not have a similar effect.

She glanced down at her body. She had always thought her breasts were large enough to gain attention while also not being so big that she looked out of sync with herself. Would padding enhance her more, so much so as to tease Lord Ridley into believing they were breasts he wanted to explore further? When married, of course.

A slow, knowing smile lifted her lips, and she shut the book with a thump before returning it to its hiding space. Tonight, further educating the gentlemen of thetonthat she was the woman they ought to be considering was her only goal.

* * *

Logan stoodwithin the Ponsonby ballroom, well aware that Sutton was late. He kept a close watch on the ballroom door while also paying attention to the ladies whose mamas thought it promising to introduce him.

Many of them pretty, rich little women he would consider in due course, but first, he needed to see what Sutton wished him to do this evening. No doubt she would want the first dance, not that they had been able to dance the first of the ball since she was so late.

His attention snapped to Lord Ridley, who too watched the ballroom door, and his eyes narrowed on the fellow. To all present, it was starting to become obvious the gentleman was waiting for someone, and Logan ought to step aside, allow him to court Sutton without any competition, but he could not.

His lips wanted to turn up at the edges at the mere thought of doing such a thing. Even if he did not want her for himself. "And I do not," he murmured aloud. They still required further working together before their association could end.

She had other points in the sillyWallflower’s Guideshe was reading from to test, and he wished to have more than the few ladies who had come up to him so far for his choice of bride.

Movement at the doors and whispers sounding throughout the crowd gained his attention. He looked, his eyes darting back to the woman he only just recognized who dipped into a pretty curtsy before Lord and Lady Ponsonby.

His sip of whisky lodged in his throat, went down the wrong pipe, and he choked at the sight of Sutton when she turned to the gathered throng.

And he was not the only gentleman staring, mouth agape, at Sutton.

Holy mother of everything pure, what was she wearing? Or a better question to be asked, what had she done to her gown?

Her breasts, two sweet peaks of womanly flesh if ever he knew a pair, were pushed up high above her navy silk empire gown, the gold trim that lined the edges only accentuating further her voluptuous assets.

His mouth dried. He wanted to be the only man to ever see her breasts, not the many gentlemen here this evening. Many of whom were making a direct line toward her as she started to take a turn about the room with her brother.

This would never do. What was she doing showing off her assets in such a forward manner? What kind of book was thisWallflower’s Guidethat she was referencing? It certainly was not appropriate.

And when did you start being appropriate?

He dismissed the thought, biding his time and finishing off his whisky before going to meet her. Several men danced with her, and she seemed to forget she had promised the first one to him, but then, he had not gone to her, so she was not to blame.

Something kept him from her. Told him to keep his distance this evening and let her be.

Because you're fearful you will not keep from touching her if you go to her.

Hell, he knew that for the honest thought it was. She was everything delicious and sweet this evening. Properly dressed, but with a glimpse of what gentlemen had to devour, to unwrap and savor on their wedding night.

He had tasted her sweetness, experienced her within his arms, and she was as addicting then as she was now. However was he going to behave and keep to their bargain when she tempted him like no other ever had?

Or ever would…

Chapter 8

Sutton could feel Logan's gaze upon her the instant she walked into the Ponsonby ballroom. A shiver raked her skin as his eyes devoured her person, and she was glad she had grown accustomed to the gown at a ball she had attended prior to this one.

Her attendance at the earlier ball made her late, of course, and she had missed her first dance with Logan, but then this evening, he seemed to be keeping his distance.

Why she could not fathom, but she hoped it was because of her gown and the attention it was garnering. Lord Ridley certainly seemed pleased by her dress, and his eyes had dipped several times to her bosom, desire and need burning brightly in his blue orbs.

Logan, however, she could not tell from this far away if he was affected or not, and she needed his consideration if only to tease his lordship of what he could no longer have. Not after breaking her trust six years before. But they had a deal after all, and she intended to make him keep to his side of the bargain.

She excused herself from the small party she spoke with and started toward Logan. He was alone with a glass of whisky—his third if she were counting—and watching her every move.

Tags: Eva Devon Historical