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“I remember you,” he said, his gaze searching over her face, determined to make her see herself with the awe he felt. “When you were a little girl. The way you would run off into the forest and play amongst the trees, where you’d take your books with you and read for hours, leaving us all to play bowls and the typical games. Even then, you saw the beauty that so many did not. But,” he said, “you are not a mere miss any more, limited by those who do not understand you.” He stroked his thumb along her jaw, stunned by the way he suddenly wished to kiss her. To consume her. To flame the sparks of hope he saw in her gaze.

“You are a countess with the world at your feet.”

“Oh dear,” she whispered, her eyes widening with anticipation. “Then I must be very careful where I tread if the world is at my feet. I should hate to cause any damage.”

“And that is why you are so marvelous,” he replied.

“Why, thank you, sir,” she said. “That is a compliment indeed. Your work is quite important here, is it not?”

“It is,” he agreed. “And I hope you will help me with it.”

“Do you?” she asked, astonished. “You seem so...self-reliant.”

“I am, but there is a loneliness to that, Ophelia. I’ve always been alone. But now I would like to have your advice if you would be willing to give it.”

“Of course, I’ll give it,” she said softly. “And you are not alone. I will always be with you, Peter. I always have been there.” Then she tilted her head back. “Are we truly married? This seems so very strange. Are we to…. Well, are you to take me to bed?”

His swallowed. Had she truly always been there, and he’d been such a fool as to not see it? Yes. He’d been a fool. And now? Now, once again, fortune had offered him a chance at more than the solitude he’d thought he wanted.

“If you want, I can leave you,” he said. “I do not need to stay tonight.”

“No, no,” she rushed, blushing. “There is no point in avoiding what must be done. After all, we have known each other for years. It’s not as if we are strangers. And I know many husbands and wives have had their wedding night while barely knowing each other.”

“True,” he agreed carefully, determined not to rush her but surprised by the desire coursing through his veins. He wanted her. His wife. His lovely, wonderful wife. Why, oh why, had he not seen before?

“It is good to get these barriers surpassed,” she said softly.

“Barriers?” he echoed, stroking his hand gently along her back.

“Yes.” Her voice turned to a breathy whisper of want. “The things that are keeping us apart.”

“And what is keeping us apart?” he asked.

She looked up at him through her lashes. “Your concern that you mightn’t make me happy, and the fact that we have barely been in each other’s company in years.”

He swallowed.

How was she capable of understanding so well exactly what was going through his head?

Hewasafraid, though he was desperately trying to pretend otherwise, of failing her.

He didn’t know exactly how to please her, but he would find out. Of that he was certain.

“I want you to kiss me again, Peter. I want this. You. Us.”

He did not have adequate words to reply, given the tide of emotion her statement suddenly evoked in him.

So he decided to show her how he felt instead.

Slowly, he lowered his mouth to hers, and again took her lips in a kiss, and again was stunned by the magnificence of it. It seized his senses, and he could scarce put two thoughts together, except for the fact that he knew that he wanted her to want him for the rest of their lives, no matter what it took.

Peter led her to the bed. Ready to make her his wife in more than law. Together, they fell upon the turned back sheets.

Carefully, he slid her gown from her shoulders, stunned to find how much he longed to worship her and the curves that her clothes had hidden.

Taking his time, he kissed and touched and discovered her body until she was gasping with excitement and surprise.

When, at last, he nudged her legs apart and kissed the place he could not wait to possess, she let out a cry of shock and delight.

Tags: Eva Devon Historical