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I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me as he walked away. He was out of control, but at least I got to discover how great his ass looked in a pair of jeans as he walked away.

“Stop checking out my Uncle’s ass,” Tyson said, teasing me.

My mouth dropped open and I turned to him, at a loss for words. I felt my cheeks heat and knew they’d soon be flaming red. He’d just caught me staring at Quinton’s ass.

He smiled his bright smile at me, knowingly, and I knew he wasn’t mad.

I yawned, unexpectedly. A wave of exhaustion washed over me as my stomach growled.

“Hey,” he leaned into me. “How about we call it quits with the magic for today. You don’t have to learn everything in one day. There will be plenty of time for learning later. For now, you need food and rest. It’s been a long damn day, for all of us. I could use some food and rest, too. How about we pile all of these pillows up into a nice nest, eat whatever Uncle Quinton sends up and watch some more Friday Night Lights. Does that sound alright with you, sweetheart?”

Did that sound alright with me? Was he crazy? Don’t answer that, I knew he was. I nodded my head. That sounded like the perfect way to spend our night after the day we’d had.

I helped Tyson make a comfortable pile of his giant pillows. He pulled the shiny black sheet off of his bed and carefully laid it on top of the pillows. He then brought over his burgundy comforter and spread it out on top of everything. He brought over the pillows from his bed last. Those he piled up at the head of what Tyson had called our nest.

He lifted the corner of his comforter, invitingly.

“Climb in,” he told me. “You settle in while I start up the show.”

I did as he bid and crawled under the blanket. It made me lazy and selfish, but I liked that he always took care of me. No one before him had ever tried.

I propped myself up against the pile of pillows from his bed and settled in under the blanket. The massive pillows were surprisingly comfortable to lay on.

Tyson brought up the show on Netflix and climbed under the blanket with me.

We had settled beside each other comfortably and he was going to hit play when there was a knock on the door Julian entered the room before Tyson could call out a greeting. Julian walked into the room carrying a tray covered in food. My stomach rumbled in appreciation at the sight of the food.

What was Julian, some type of man servant of Quinton’s? As far as I knew, Julian didn’t even live here. Now he was serving us our meals. What the hell?

Tyson patted the comforter over his lap and smiled back at Julian. “You can put it down right here, buddy,” he said. There was nothing but kindness in his voice.

Julian came forward, placed the tray on Tyson’s lap and winked at me.

“Enjoy your food, honey,” he told me with a small smile on his face. “I heard you did good today and need to keep up your strength.”

I gave him a small smile back in return and he left.

Tyson and I ate the sandwiches and fruit we had been brought while we watched our show.

I fell asleep cradled in his strong arms and that night I dreamed of nothing.

Chapter Twenty-five

“I have a girlfriend,” someone was saying. “She’s pretty, she puts out and she didn’t bitch about me taking off for the summer. It works for me and I’m not ready to give it up for some teenager still in high school. Especially not one I’m going to have to share.”

“And this is my problem now?” I recognized that darkly masculine voice as Quinton’s.

“I agree with Damien.” Said a third male voice. “She’s too young. I’m not ready to give up my social life for a girl I don’t even know and am expected to share.”

“By social life I assume you mean dating and sleeping with random’s you bring home with you?” Julian asked dryly. I easily recognized his voice as well. The fact I didn’t recognize the other two let me know who they were. Damien and Dash.

I knew they were talking about me.

“What? Do you want to tie yourself to a teenage girl you have to share with the rest of us? How’s that fair? Am I just supposed to get in line and wait my turn? She doesn’t even like me.”

“Of course she doesn’t like you, Damien. Maybe you should try something other than being a dick to her.”

“Fuck you, Julian,” Damien growled. I realized Damien had been the first one I heard speaking. The one with a girlfriend.

Tags: Mary Martel Ariel Kimber Fantasy