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Chapter Twenty-One

The twins wanted to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. I was having none of it. I’d been promised answers and I felt like I got the short end of the stick in the answer department. I wanted answers so I demanded they hand them over to me. They thought my being bossy was cute, I know because they told me so.

When they continued to laugh and tease me I pushed away from them and crawled off the couch. I crawled to my bag on my hands and knees.

I was half way there when a sharp sting hit my right butt cheek. I whirled around ungracefully and landed with my butt on the carpet.

I had no idea which one had smacked my ass because they both sat there like perfect angels with serene looks on their faces, with their hands in their laps.

If I had to guess, my money was on Abel. But, then again, I couldn’t discount Addison.

I pointed at them both. “You’re both naughty, naughty boys.”

They grinned identical grins, unrepentant.

I scooted backwards towards my bag. I bumped into it and without turning around I started digging around inside with my hand.

When I found my cell phone I pulled it out. I unlocked it and clicked on the little icon that would take me to my text messages. I opened my conversation with Tyson and sent off a quick text.

Ariel: Where are you?

He responded immediately.

Tyson: Kitchen. Where are you?

Ariel: I’m with the twins and I need reinforcements. One of them just smacked my ass and I don’t even know which one it was! Help.

“What are you doing?” Addison asked me.

“Sending for reinforcements.”


“Who do you think, twin?” Abel cut in. “Out of all of us she’s only got Ty’s phone number.”

“We need to change that.”

“I’m with you, twin.”

I did not like the sound of that. They had had a similar conversation before I was shoved onto Abel and the couch.

Ariel: Hurry.

I texted Tyson that one word before stuffing the phone back into my bag. It’s not that I minded playing with them but it felt like they were trying to distract me and the only thing I needed to be distracted from at the moment was getting my answers.

This time I did look in my bag when I stuck my phone back in it. My lacey black underwear was nowhere to be seen. They weren’t on top. I dug through the bag, frantically searching. Nowhere. They were nowhere. Finally, I dumped my bag upside down and watched as all my things spilled out onto the floor.

“What’s going on, pretty girl?” One of the twins asked from right behind me. I had that problem I always had when one of them spoke from behind me. I couldn’t tell which one was speaking because their voices were identical.

I dug through my pile of belongings, tossing them every which way. My clear bag with the bright yellow zipper stuffed full of my toiletries got tossed to the side. My fuzzy yellow socks went the other way. The flip flops with the pretty red and black Gerber Daisies got pushed away from the pile. I tossed my red hoodie with the white vampire fangs on the front behind me, over my shoulder. One of the twins made a surprised sound but I did not care. Shorts and tank tops, both red and black, were tossed aside. All that remained of the pile before me was my phone, phone charger and the black bra that matched the missing underwear. And they were missing.

“Son of a bitch,” I whispered angrily.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard her swear before,” said a twin.

“Shit just got real,” said the other twin.

“Not that we mind, pretty girl, but why is our bedroom now littered with girl clothes and… girl things?”

Tags: Mary Martel Ariel Kimber Fantasy