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It took everything he had to stay calm through the next few minutes. Between the state’s attorney puffing up and trying to toss out the two recently arrived federal agents, and Sam refusing—quite loudly—to go to the hospital and demanding they release him, things got loud.

He hadn’t even been officially arrested yet, but he had a feeling that might not be far away. The cop standing over him tried to ask him about the scene, but Logan wasn’t in any shape to do anything more than demand to know what was going on with Sam. He knew if Sam saw him taken away in cuffs, she would likely refuse to go to the hospital.

“Sam,” Logan said quietly. When she didn’t respond, he spoke up, putting the kind of force behind the word that used to stop his men short, no matter the chaos around him. “Sam!”

The room went silent and he locked his eyes to hers. The officers in front of him wouldn’t let her come closer than a few feet away, but he had her attention now.

“Sam, I need you to go to the hospital for me.” When she tried to talk again, he cut her off. “If I’m going to get through this,” he said, knowing they weren’t about to just turn him loose, “Ineedto know you’re safe and you’ve got a doctor looking at you. I need that, Sam.”

He knew when they arrested and restrained him, when he was detained, searched, interrogated and whatever the hell else was in store for him, it would stress every damned bit of control he had.

Even sitting here waiting for the cuffs to come out, completely useless and defenseless, had tapped out most of his reserves. He couldn’t focus if he didn’t know she was safe.

“Get ahold of Chad or Zach and have one of them meet you at the hospital.” He turned to the officers standing in the room. “Someone will stay with her until her protection arrives.” He said it as a statement not a question, but they confirmed it and he looked back to Sam.

“I need you to do this, Sam. Please.”

She nodded, but he saw she was fighting back tears.

“I’m fine, Sam,” he said despite the fact he was anything but. He was so far from okay, he didn’t think there was any coming back this time. Not now. “I’m fine.”

He said it again as the federal agents now lifted him from where he’d been sitting and began to escort him from the room. Logan knew how this would go. When you’re taken away by these guys, you don’t go down to the local precinct. You’re taken to an “undisclosed location.”

He heard Sam call out one more time to him. “I’ll call Jack and have him get you a lawyer, Logan.”

He nodded even though she couldn’t see him any longer. A lawyer would be good.

Chapter 16

“Oh, shit,” Peter said, looking up from his computer.

Diya had been raging around the house, becoming more and more ticked off. There had been no contact from the men Yoshi had hired to bring Samantha Page to her.

For two days they’d been waiting. They couldn’t risk trying to contact them in case the police had caught them and had the burner phones they’d been using.

So she’d been stewing and waiting for word. She was about ready to send Yoshi to New Haven.

She turned to Peter, raising a brow with a look that should tell him to blurt out whatever it was he’d found, instead of just swearing at her.

“Oh, I uh … sorry. It’s just that I saw a live news feed. Apparently the men you sent were, uh, well it looks like they were taken out by a guy.”

“Aguy?” Diya asked, her tone sharpening as Yoshi entered the room, standing beside her.

Peter squirmed in his chair. She valued him for his hacking skills, but his weak temperament grated on her nerves.

“Just say whatever it is, Peter. I don’t need to play guessing games with you.”

He cleared his throat. “It’s uh, the state’s attorney or something. Eric Westbrook, the news says. He’s holding a press conference. He’s calling Logan Stone a vigilante. Said he killed three men instead of calling the police or simply disabling the men. Apparently, the Feds took over the case and they let Stone go once they discovered who the guys were. The Feds said the men presented a clear and present danger to Ms. Page and they saw no grounds to hold Logan. Westbrook is up in arms about states’ rights and the federal government making decisions that should be made on a state level. Um, he says the Feds let that man go up in New Hampshire recently and he—”

He stopped talking when Diya threw her glass across the room.

“Damn it!”

Peter cleared his throat again, but didn’t say anything.

Diya had something to say, though. “She’s probably crawling with body guards now. No way for us to get to her now that those idiots screwed this up.”

Yoshi spoke from beside her. “It’s Stone again. Always—”

Tags: Lori Ryan The Sutton Billionaires Billionaire Romance