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When they entered, Chad was using a small handheld instrument to check the office for listening devices. Apparently not finding any, he turned it off and sat behind his desk as Sam and Logan sat in chairs opposite him.

“I assume you check the office fairly routinely, Chad?”

Logan received an answering nod from Chad. It made sense to do routine sweeps. Sutton Capital’s offices held a large amount of proprietary information, not only on their own company, but also that of the companies they funded. There were plenty of companies out there who might want to infiltrate their offices.

“Yes, but I’ll increase it now. Can you follow Sam home today and check her house for her?” Chad asked, handing Logan the device he’d been using moments before.

“Why did you guys put those bugs back?” Sam’s mind was only half on the discussion as she thought about the fact that Logan would be coming to her townhouse when they left work.

Not that he was coming for any reason other than work, but still. The thought had thrown her off balance. She was doing an inventory of the number of pairs of underwear hanging in her bathroom when Chad answered.

“We don’t want whoever planted them to know we found them until we decide how to proceed. I’ll look into who might have put them there, but with this type of device, tracing them won’t be easy. In the meantime,” he said drawing a small black box from his drawer, “carry this on you. I want you to turn it on anytime you’re talking about something we don’t want anyone hearing. Let them listen to any conversations that aren’t important.”

Sam raised her eyebrows. “You’re putting a lot of faith in my ability to remember to turn this thing on and off.”

Chad grinned. “I’m pretty sure you can handle it. Besides, I only need a day or two to look into this. I want to talk to Jack, see if he has any idea who could be behind it. Hopefully, he’s got some idea who would want information right now. It’s probably related to a deal he’s got coming up or something.”

Sam fidgeted a little with her hands and cast a glance at Logan. He had a brief thought she might want to talk alone with Chad but he wasn’t about to walk out without her directly asking him to.

If something was going on that involved Sam, he wanted to know about it. He couldn’t help her if he didn’t know what was going on and Logan damned well was going to help her.

Sam had done nothing but help him since he’d started here. In fact, he had a feeling she had no clue how much she’d helped him just by ignoring his obvious hang-ups and quietly letting him adjust to life with her support.

“Chad, do you, um … do you think it could be related to Alonzo?” Sam sounded genuinely nervous.

Chad’s eyebrows shot up and Logan could tell he wasn’t taking Sam’s question or her apparent anxiety over the issue lightly.

“Who’s Alonzo?” Logan asked.

The answer came from Chad. “Lazarus Alonzo. He’s the guy who was behind the human trafficking ring that took Kelly a few years ago. Sam consulted with the FBI to hunt down the rest of the women who’d been taken, rescuing all but one of them.”

Logan didn’t miss the haunted look in Sam’s eyes at the mention of the woman she didn’t save. He knew that feeling, knew the horror of knowing you’d let someone down. Left someone behind.

“She also helped the FBI hack into his servers and freeze most of his assets, things he’d thought were hidden. When she found accounts the FBI couldn’t legally touch, she drained all the money out of them. They never caught him, but Sam was able to cripple him. It’s rumored he’s rebuilding his empire, but it’s slow going without the resources Sam took from him.”

“Could it be him?” Logan figured Chad would have kept tabs on whether the FBI had any leads on this guy and whether he might be coming for Sam.

Chad locked eyes with Logan and Logan had his answer. It was possible. But it seemed Chad wasn’t going to let on to Sam that she might have an old enemy coming after her.

“Alonzo shouldn’t have access to your identity, Sam. The FBI was really firm about keeping it confidential and I know the agents we worked with. They’re good. They wouldn’t let your true identity out there,” Chad said.

Sam said exactly what Logan was thinking: “Anything can be hacked.”

The statement was ironic and neither man could argue with her, given her status as one of the best—if not the best—hackers in the country.

There had to be a file somewhere with her name in it, and if she could hack anything, there were others out there who could, as well.

Chad nodded but kept his voice even. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Sam. It’s more likely your work here is what this person was after when they bugged you. Could be someone’s trying to get access to info on Sutton through you. They know you sit in on a lot of Jack’s meetings and you have access to a lot of sensitive information. They also wouldn’t think you’d realize your things had been moved in a locker, whereas Jack or Andrew or I would be expected to be more on guard about stuff like that. People who don’t know you wouldn’t expect that you’d spot something out of place so quickly, so they might have thought you were an easy target to bug.”

Logan watched carefully and Sam’s face seemed to ease as she took in the logic of what Chad was saying.

“I’ll head home with you and be sure nothing’s been planted at your house, Sam,” Logan said. “Do you have a security system at your home?”

Sam shook her head no. She should have one. Logan knew she’d been making a lot of money with her new game. He was surprised she didn’t live in a mansion somewhere at this point, but that just wasn’t like her. That was evidenced by the fact she hadn’t quit her job. She sure as hell didn’t need to work at Sutton for the money.

Hell, he’d seen action figures and backpacks based on Tangled Legacy at the store the other day. When they were selling merchandise based on your game, it meant you’d officially hit it big. She should have a security system and then some at this point.

“Okay. We can get one put in place quickly enough. Give me a day to get things lined up with Zach and we’ll get you set up with security,” Logan said.

Tags: Lori Ryan The Sutton Billionaires Billionaire Romance