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Zach was the first to answer PJ’s question, and he sugarcoated it more than Gabe would have felt comfortable doing, so he was relieved he’d been too tongue-tied to answer her – so he didn’t have to lie.

“Chad’s guys are getting ready to question your people, so we just need to get you on a conference call to soften the blow a bit.”

“Soften the blow?” she asked, an eyebrow raised. Yeah, okay, she wasn’t an idiot. She wasn’t going to fall for the sugarcoated version.

Gabe cleared his throat. “They’ll be making it clear that their jobs are dependent on cooperating to find out who’s doing this to you.” A lot less sugar in that version.

Though she kept her face blank, he knew that had to be a blow. With the exception of her bodyguards who had been brought on last year when her old security team retired, she had been with her bandmates and team for years. Gabe was sure it killed her to let Chad make that kind of a threat to people she cared about.

“We’ll ask for cooperation first, PJ. We’ll stress you’re in danger and other people have been threatened, and we’ll ask for their help. We’ll only pull out the threat of their jobs if anyone really balks,” Chad said.

“When can we get them on a call together?” she asked quietly, and Gabe admired the hell out of her as she steeled her spine and pulled herself together to face this. She wasn’t falling apart anymore. Damn if he didn’t love that about her. Her strength and resilience.

“Our guys are getting your people together now. We’ll set up a call with you in a half hour,” Chad said, then rubbed his forehead. “Listen, there’s something else we found.”

Gabe wanted to ask what now, but waited for Chad to say more instead.

“Sam’s traced a few sales of pictures of you,” he said to Pru, “back to one of your security guys.” He raised his hand to Gabe’s low growl. “Nothing like what you’re thinking. Just a couple images of her getting ready to go on stage, that kind of thing. Still, not something he should be selling when he’s supposed to be working for you.”

“Which one?” Pru asked and Gabe couldn’t help but think the arm she had wrapped over her stomach was a protective gesture, like she could ward off the blow. It seemed impossible for her to trust anyone in the world she lived in.

“Carl,” Chad said, “though I have to wonder if your other guy knew about it. Seems like he’d have seen Carl snap those pictures. It might be worth hiring a whole new security team.”

Pru nodded but she looked sick to her stomach. “Do you have a way to get in touch with Brian and Susie? I want to check on Matthew.”

Chad pulled his phone out and keyed a button, then waited while the phone rang.

“Hey,” Chad said into the phone, as Gabe went to PJ and kissed her on the temple, drawing her close to him with one arm. He was relieved when she sank against him, aligning her body with his. He’d been a little unsure of what she’d be like with him this morning.

Chad passed the phone to PJ a minute later, and she tugged Gabe by the arm over to the couch with her, obviously not caring if he heard the conversation. What a wuss ass he was for the wave of relief he felt at that.

“Hi Brian. Is Matthew up yet?” Pru asked. Gabe could hear the answer, “Yes, he’s having breakfast,” through the speaker phone.

“How’s he doing today?” she asked and Gabe heard the tension in her voice, the desperation to have Matthew confirm that he still loved her, still wanted her in his life.

“He’s better, Peej. He’s coming to terms with it. We also talked, and we want to let you know it’s okay if you have to tell your story yourself. If you have to tell the media who Matthew is. He’s already used to getting attention because he’s your cousin. He’ll have the spotlight on him if the story comes out, but we’ll be there for him, and the attention will die down quickly.”

Gabe had already considered having Pru release her version of the story herself before the guy coming after her did. Even so, they’d still need to find out who this was because they would remain a threat to Pru—but having the story released would take some of the stress out of the situation. It would also ensure no one ever held this over Pru’s head again after this guy was caught.

“I’ll think about it,” PJ said and her eyes met Gabe’s.

Oh, he was such an ass for being so damned happy she looked to him for support. Such an ass.

“Hang on, Peej,” Brian said. “Matthew wants to talk to you.”

Gabe heard a choked sob come from PJ, and he tightened his hold around her shoulders. Chad and Zach had slipped out to the patio, leaving only her and Gabe in the room, and he was glad she’d have privacy for this. Her hand landed on Gabe’s chest where her fingers closed around his shirt, clutching him tight.

Gabe couldn't hear anything from the other end of the phone, but PJ must have heard something. “You there, Matthew?”

There was a small sound from the phone. It wasn’t quite a grunt, but just a murmur that let them know Matthew was on the phone.

“Please don’t tell me I’ve lost you again, Matthew. I don’t want to lose you,” PJ begged, and Gabe would give anything to make this better for her. To make her heart whole again.

“Dad said you were fifteen years old,” came Matthew’s quiet voice.

“Yes,” PJ said and Gabe saw her close her eyes. “Almost sixteen when you were born.” He didn’t know whether she was praying for more or thankful for small gifts. He was praying for more. He wanted Matthew, who was much too young to have to be this mature, to find the strength to forgive Pru. The strength to let Pru remain a part of his life.

There was silence on the line for a long time as PJ and Gabe waited.

Tags: Lori Ryan The Sutton Billionaires Billionaire Romance