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The trees parted, and a field of tall grass opened up before us.

“Knox, what are you doing?”

“I just watched you stand up to that bully who was trying to take her shit out on a kid,” I began.

“Some people don’t know what to do with their pain,” Naomi said, looking out the window again. “So they take it out on whoever is nearby.”

“Yeah, well, I liked watching you in that excuse for a skirt standing up to a bully.”

“So you kidnapped me?” she asked. “Where are we?”

I brought the truck to a stop along the treeline and shut off the engine. “Third Base. Least, that’s what it was called when I was in high school. We used to sneak beers and hold bonfires out here. Half of my class lost their virginity in this field.”

A hint of a smile played on her lips. “Did you?”

I slid my arm around the back of her seat. “Nah. Lost mine in Laura Beyler’s barn.”

“Knox Morgan, did you bring me out here to neck when I’m supposed to be at work?”

She sounded adorably appalled.

“Oh, I plan on doing more than necking,” I said, leaning over to release her seatbelt. Task accomplished, I plucked the pretzels off her lap and threw the bag into the backseat.

“You can’t be serious. I have work.”

“Baby, I don’t joke about sex. Besides, you work for me.”

“Yeah. In your bar, which is full of PMS-ing women waiting for their pretzels.”

I shook my head. “Everyone in town knows it’s a Code Red. It’ll be a slow night.”

“I am really uncomfortable with the idea of an entire town tracking its women’s menstrual cycles.”

“Hey, we’re normalizing period shit,” I argued. “Now, get your sexy ass over here.”

Good Girl Naomi was warring with Bad Girl Naomi, but I could tell which one was going to win by the way she was biting her lip.

“Between that skirt and the way you stood up for Way, I barely managed to keep my hands off you in front of Way and your parents, and it almost killed me. We’re lucky I got us here, driving with my dick so hard there’s no blood left for my brain.”

“Are you saying you’re turned on by me yelling at people?”

“Daze, the sooner you stop talking, the sooner I can drag you across this console and make you forget all about work and shitty teachers.”

She stared at me through heavy lids for a beat. “Okay.”

I didn’t give her a chance to reconsider. I hooked her under the arms and pulled her into my lap so she was straddling my thighs, her denim skirt bunched high around her waist.

“Did I mention how much I love these skirts?” I asked before crushing my mouth to hers.

She pulled away from me. “Actually you said you hated them. Remember?”

I gritted my teeth as she grinned evilly and ground down on my cock through my jeans. “I lied.”

“This is very irresponsible of us,” she said.

I yanked the neckline of her Honky Tonk tank down, taking her bra with it so her bare tits were in my face. Her nipples were already begging for my mouth. If there had been an ounce of blood left in my brain, it headed south at that view.

“It’s more irresponsible to make me watch you work your whole shift in that fucking skirt without getting you off first.”

Tags: Lucy Score Romance