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Loren took her time, relishing the feel of her new boots.

“Nice,” Sonia said appreciatively as she mounted the porch steps—but Loren could read the unease written over her face.

“What’s wrong?” McGoven demanded.

Sighing, Sonia led the way inside and marched directly into the kitchen, where she fished a cookie from the plate on the counter.

“Lukka’s called me back,” she announced before taking a bite.

Loren sensed the words meant more than the obvious. McGoven’s furious snarl proved it.

“What?” he shouted. “What thehelldo you mean?”

“I’m sorry.” Sonia’s blue eyes darted everywhere around the kitchen but his face. “He called me back,” she said once she swallowed. “He says that‘I’m needed’though he won’t say for what. It doesn’t matter. I can’t refuse a direct order. I have to leave. Tonight.”


“You can’t leave.” Angrily, McGoven formed a fist, and Loren half-expected him to smash it into the wall. He flattened his palm against the countertop instead with an almost helpless groan. “Sonia, Ineedyou here—”

“I know,” Sonia said softly. “But, it’s not like I can refuse him. He’ll see it as a challenge—especially if it’s to stay withyou. Besides, if we piss him off now, he might never come and see her. We can’t take that risk.”

Loren froze as they both turned in her direction.

Sonia looked miserable, but the man beside her… He looked crazed. Desperate. His eyes were molten silver, his throat cording with tension.

“What the hell am I supposed to do without you?” He sounded like a child pleading not to be abandoned.

“The same thing you’vebeendoing,” Sonia said gently. “This could turn out to be a good thing, for all of us. While I’m there, I can speak to Lukka directly. Now that I’ve met Loren, I can vouch for her. You… You were right, Bill.” Her tone conveyed a double meaning.

“Yeah,” McGoven hissed. “I’m sure he’ll love to hear you say that. He’ll roll out the fucking red carpet!”

“I’m sorry.” Suddenly, Sonia stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his cheek.

Loren dug her nails into her palms. The intimate expression startled her—not because of the warmth in it, but because she wanted…

She wanted to march over there and drag Sonia away, by herhair.Shout, kick, scream—better yet,order her to never touch him again like that.

She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t ignore the building anger. It clawed through her chest like a living creature. Ithurt.

Just as quickly, Sonia withdrew from him, and the unwarranted anger diminished slightly. “I’m leaving tonight,” she said. “You’ll be okay. I know you will. But I’ll call—”

“Don’t bother,” Officer McGoven said ominously. “You have a point. There, you can convince the asshole to see her in person. If he hasn’t sent his spies already.”

Sonia raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

McGoven tossed Loren a cautious glance. Then he squared his jaw and said, “You saw how that horse bolted the other day? I thought it was because of the territory markers, but when I checked the perimeter, I caught a scent.”

“What?” Sonia’s eyes widened. “Another rogue?”

“No. They were too careful—much like a scout. I didn’t recognize their scent, but I know your Lukka has been building his ranks, letting in plenty of outsiders to swell his numbers. All that talk about loyalty. You thought I didn’t know?”

Sonia’s cheeks flamed. “Bill, it isn’t my place to—”

“I’m not asking for your political opinion, Sonia. I’m asking this—why the hell would your precious Alpha send a scout on the heels of a trusted advisor?”

A hard gleam sharpened Sonia’s gaze. In an instant, the girlish charm vanished, and she looked on par with McGoven as far as maturity went. Just as shrewd and just as angry. “Maybe Lukka didn’t give me exact permission to come,” she said cagily. “I may have left on my own.”

“You?” McGoven crossed his arms. “Go against your precious Alpha? What is this world coming to?”

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy