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I nodded. “Will do.”

“Thank you. Before you do that, I’m afraid that I’m going to need another favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Latrine,” was his one-word answer.

I helped him get out of bed, arrange himself so he could take care of business, and then get back into bed again.

I leaned over to kiss him. He was asleep again before I even pulled my lips away. I hated seeing my big strong man brought to his knees this way.

After he started snoring, I went to get his truck. Luckily, we weren’t back in the city. It would have been stolen and either sold or sent to a chop shop by now.

I took the liberty of unpacking his cases. I put his books on the bookshelf and his clothes in the closet. He only had a couple of other items, which I put away.

Now, with his belongings in place, the cabin surely felt like home.



Morpheus had indeed been kind to me. I slept a lot, probably more than I had ever slept in my life. I felt as though I were playing a part and a messed up fairytale. This time, it was the prince, me, who was the sleeping beauty. At least I had a beautiful princess to look after me.

I felt kind of out of it when I first woke up, and I couldn’t figure out what had drug me out of deep sleep. It certainly wasn’t a kiss from my beautiful princess.

Then I heard it. There was an argument taking place at the front door of the cabin. I could tell that Luka was trying to be quiet. However, Amon had no such consideration. He was bellowing loud enough for everybody in the forest to hear.

“You need to move aside, woman, and let me in to see my brother. He is my brother, and you have no right to prevent me from seeing him.”

“I am his wife. I have every right to protect him until he gets well enough to protect himself.”

“Would you please move aside and let me in?” Amon demanded through gritted teeth. “If I have to, I will pick you up and move you out of the way. I don’t want to do that, but make no mistake about it, I will.”

“He is asleep. He obviously isn’t feeling well. Why don’t you come back when he is better in a couple of days.”

Amon growled. “It’s your fault that he got hurt. You are the one who brought danger here. You are the reason he was shot,” he hissed at her.

His comments apparently made Luka angry. “What happened was not my fault. I am certainly not going to play the blame game with you. Now get lost.”

“Oh, Gage found himself a woman with a temper. That’s going to be fun when the honeymoon wears off.”

“Amon, I am not going to tell you again.”

I interrupted her before she finished what she had to say.

“It’s fine, Luka.” My voice sounded weak even to my own ears. “Go ahead and let him come in.”

She didn’t say anything, but a couple seconds later, my dear brother entered the room with Luka on his heels.

“You look like crap, brother.”

“That about sums up how I feel, too,” I answered. “You didn’t come here just to tell me I look like a pile of fecal matter. What do you want?”

“I came to tell you that you are an idiot for revealing your true form to a human. He is going to run off and run his mouth, and then we are all going to be in danger.”

I was starting to get annoyed. “I certainly had no intention to reveal myself. After I was shot, I didn’t have the energy to maintain bear form.”

“Jason is known as a liar and a drunk. No one would ever believe him if he claimed to be attacked by a shapeshifter. Most humans don’t believe in any beings they haven’t seen with their own eyes. No one believes in their existence,” Luka said calmly.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Savage Shifters Special Ops Paranormal