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The other problem I had was finding the right time and the right way to tell her. Before or after making love didn’t seem to be the appropriate time to announce that there were times I formed into a six hundred pound bear. “Oh Baby, that felt so good. By the way, I’m a shapeshifter, and I can turn into a bear when I want to.”

Maybe while we are making out. I could take my tongue out of her mouth and say, “By the way, you just had kissed a bear. Have a nice day.”

Of course, there was also the option of simply turning into a bear while we were having sex. However, I didn’t want her to drop dead of a heart attack in the middle of making love.

I growled internally. Nothing sounded right. I had to tell her the truth, though, and soon. Not only did I hate hiding information from her, but she was bound to discover the truth sooner or later. Most likely, sooner. Then, she would be hurt and angry.

The next day I had to tend to some business and was gone for the entire morning. When I returned that afternoon, Amon was in the kitchen with Luka. He had a half-drunk glass of milk and a plate with a piece of chocolate cake in front of him. He had been here for a while.

My heart dropped. This was not the way I wanted her to find out I was a shapeshifter.

Slowly, I walked in. Luka turned to me and smiled. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

“Luka, why did you let a person you don’t know into your house? He could be a deranged serial killer or something.”

She smirked at me. “I let you in,” she said sassily.

“That’s different. We were already married.”

“And I had known you for five minutes. And the only thing I really knew about you was that you were a heck of a good kisser, and you were strong enough to throw a grown man like he was a football.”

I sighed. I wasn’t going to win.

“Besides, he introduced himself to me, and we started talking by the pond before I invited him in. My gut instincts told me that he was not a serial killer. Just a simple man who was looking for a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk.”

I turned to Amon. I didn’t trust him, especially around Luka. This was not simply a social call, no matter how Amon tried to play it off.

“Why are you here?” I asked him.

“Well, brother,” he answered with his snide voice that sounded so nice and sweet to those who didn’t know him. “You announced to the clan yesterday that you had married. It was a shock to all of us. I only wanted to meet my new sister. I thought it would be nice if she got to meet one or two of your family members before she was bombarded with everyone.”

“Hm,” I said, regarding him suspiciously.

“I was just being friendly and getting to know my new sister. You are right. She is beautiful, intelligent, and charming. I can see why you would fall for her,” he said, smiling at her.

She smiled back and blushed.

“I wonder, brother,” Anon started, his smile shifting into more of a sneer when he turned toward me, “if you have told your lovely new bride our family secret yet?”

So, this is his game.

Luka looked at me, quizzically. “What family secret is that?” she asked curiously.

Amon laughed. “Let me tell you, sister. It’s a bear of a secret.”

He slid down from the high stool at the breakfast bar, taking his glass and plate to the sink and rinsing them, he then turned to Luka. “Thank you for your hospitality. It was very nice meeting you. I’m glad to have you a part of the family. Gage is a lucky man.”

He hugged her and kissed her cheek. I clenched my fists behind my back. I didn’t want Amon putting his dirty paws all over my precious woman, especially since I knew he wasn’t sincere. He had some kind of rotten plan up his sleeve. Already, he tried one part of it. He was hoping to cause trouble between Luka and me by letting her know there was a family secret I hadn’t shared with her yet.

Luka’s demeanor instantly changed when Amon nicked her chin lightly with his knuckle and said, “I’ll be seeing you real soon.” This time, all of the charm had left his voice. His simple statement seemed like a threat. Luka shivered as raised goosebumps covered her flesh as though a sheet of evil ice had shrouded her.

However, she managed to keep her composure and her voice steady as she said, “Good. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and the rest of my new family better, brother.”

“Yes, I’m sure you do.”

As he walked past me toward the door, I told him, “Don’t come back here. Don’t come near her.”

He laughed. The maniacal sound was pure evil. “This is far from over, brother.”

Tags: Lisa Cullen Savage Shifters Special Ops Paranormal