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“Our pleasure. If there’s nothing else you’d like to add, we’ll be in touch.” Leo closes out the conversation.

I sit back in my chair, unbuttoning my suit jacket once the two brothers leave the conference room we’ve been holding meetings in all day. I’m tired, hungry, and missing my woman. Only a few more hours until she’s back in my arms where she belongs.

“Well, what did you think?” Leo asks, coming back into the room.

“They were the best out of everyone we heard from today, let’s just hope their paperwork backs them up. I can see it being a good investment oppturnity.”

“I had the same thought,” he says, taking a drink of his water. “You ready to get out of here? I can see you getting twitchy, wanting to be on your way so you can get to Harper.” He chuckles.

“Like you don’t want to get home to Candace?” I chuck my coaster at him and he catches it, like he knows it was coming at him.

“Never said I didn’t,” he muses, that goofy grin that always fills his face when his wife gets brought up, coming out in full force. “I guess I’ll see you on Monday morning. Don’t do anything stupid this weekend,” he states before heading out.

Leo was able to secure a flight back using a private charter service and I’m taking the company jet. It was easier that way, rather than for me to try and secure flights to Tennessee and then back home, especially around the time I’d want to fly.

I gather my own things, then head straight for the airport.

* * *

I grabthe bouquet of flowers I arranged to be waiting for me at the airport to take to Harper. I didn’t want the added delay of stopping anywhere before I got to her. I get out of the rental and practically sprint up the walkway, taking the steps to her front door two at a time. The door swings open and before I know what is happening, she’s launched herself into my arms. I catch her as her lips crash to my own, stumbling back one step before I settle us.

Without breaking the kiss, I carry her inside, kicking the door closed with my foot before I turn and press her body up against it. She’s all soft curves against my hard ridges, and I can’t get enough of how good she feels in my hands.

“Fuck, I missed you,” I say against her lips, nipping at them once more before pulling back further. The flowers fell to the floor, probably when we came through the door. I set Harper down, then bend to pick them up, handing them to her. “These are for you.” I flash her my dimpled smile, the one that I know makes her panties practically melt off.

“Why, thank you.” She smiles up at me, the love evident in her eyes. “Let me put them in water and then we can go,” she says.

“Did you forget what I told you last week?” I smirk.

“You might need to remind me!” she calls over her shoulder.

“I need you, naked, a bed or whatever surface you prefer, and an hour. Then, we can go. It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you and I don’t think I can wait until we get to the cabin.”

“Oh…” The breath she had in her lungs rushes out.

“Oh, is right.” I laugh, circling her waist with my hands. Once she has the flowers in a vase, I pick her up, tossing her over my shoulder. I smack her ass as I quickly take her down the hall. She slaps my ass as I go, laughing all the way.

“Put me down,” she says, smacking me again.

“Just a second,” I tell her as I enter the bedroom. Once I’m at the side of the bed, I carefully lay her down on the mattress, boxing her in as I hover over top.

* * *

“Wow, it is beautiful here,”Harper says, standing at the window wearing nothing but my t-shirt from last night as she sips a cup of coffee. We got in late last night, so it was dark and we couldn’t see the view.

“I’d have to agree,” I tell her, but I’ve only got eyes for her. I press my bare chest against her back and slip a hand under the t-shirt with my free hand. The other holds my own cup of coffee.

“What do you want to do today?” she asks, leaning her head back to rest on my chest.

“You.” I smirk. “Oof,” I woosh out the breath in my lungs when her elbow connects with my stomach.

“Don’t be a smart ass.” She laughs. “And I’m sorry if I hurt you, that wasn’t my intention.”

“You’re fine, I’ll just remember to not be standing close to you if I think the elbows might go flying.” I laugh. “But to get back to your question, I really don’t want to do anything except spend time with you. We’ve only got a handful of hours to be together and I don’t really want to do much if it means other people being in the mix.”

“That sounds perfect,” she says, turning in my arms and pressing up to kiss me. Without breaking the kiss, I set my coffee down, then take hers and do the same, freeing up our hands and keeping us from wearing the liquid instead of drinking it. We break the kiss and I press my forehead to hers, just soaking in this time we have together. “You’re pretty romantic, you know that?” she asks.

“You think so?”

Tags: Samantha Lind Sweet Valley, Tennessee Erotic