Page 11 of Overcoming the Beta

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It was the last words that stung the worse.I don’t want to see you anymore.She collapses to the ground and cries for another man as I stand there in shock. I look up and see a crowd of people in the hallway watching the drama unfold. “Fuck.” I mumble before grabbing my overnight bag and slamming the door.I’ve made more of a fucking mess out of things.

Chapter seven

It’s Good To Be Home

****March 2004****


‘Ian,’Icallthroughmy mindlink, but his blocks are up. ‘Ian,’ I call out again… still nothing.

“Kelsey?” I walk up to my brother, who is making out with some she-wolf sitting on his lap.

“What?” He snaps, “Can’t you see I’m a little busy?”

“Yeah… I see that. I’m looking for Ian. Have you seen him?” I grab my chest and take a deep breath as the pain intensifies.

“He stepped outside to get some fresh air.” Kelsey says, before waving me off.

Walking out a side door, I head towards a garden shack about thirty yards away. The pain is extremely intense, but Sasha is able to push the pain aside. As we get closer to the garden shack, I can hear grunting from both a male and female, causing my heart to sink.

‘He’s in there,’ Sasha cries. We both know what is going on behind the garden shack door, but I need to see it with my own eyes. I fling open the door and hit the light switch.

“What the fuck!” Ian shouts. The shock of the bright lights in the shack causes him to close his eyes as he removes his dick from a she-wolf’s mouth.

“How could you?” I whisper as tears spill down my cheek. My breathing becomes shallow as my chest heaves up and down with every breath. My heart races at the sight of the two of them together.

“Kate,” Ian says as he tucks his dick back into his pants, quickly zipping up before rushing to me.

“No,” I shout, backing up. “How could you, Ian?” I say through tears.

“Please… let me explain.” Ian walks towards me.

“Explain what?” I shout, “I know the truth now… all these months… these pains… all because of you.” I turn and run.

Jolting up straight, I gasp for air, waking from the same nightmare that caused so many sleepless nights. Realizing that this was only a dream, I rub my face with my hands and take a cleansing breath. It’s been some time since the memories invaded my dreams like this. I’m in a bed I haven’t slept in since just after my eighteenth birthday, in the house I grew up in. It’s not surprising that the nightmares have started again, now that I’m home.

My bedroom is exactly how I left it two and a half years ago. The delicious and sweet smell of blueberry muffins waft from the kitchen downstairs, permeating every inch of the house. I stretch my tired, aching limbs, still feeling the effects of jetlag. I make my way to the window and take in the sights of home. Pups playing soccer, moms sitting on park benches with strollers parked in front of them chatting with other moms, a group of elderly practicing tai chi.Home.I’ve missed this place so much.

After breakfast, I take a casual walk around our village. Welcoming in the sights, sounds, and smells. I can smell the orange blossoms from the orchard, roses in the flower beds, and jasmine that climb an arched trellis that Alpha Nathaniel’s grandmother had built. Alpha Nathaniel’s grandfather, Alpha Ezekiel, worked tirelessly to build a large, formidable pack, and his mate Luna Scarlet made our village the picturesque place it is today. You’d never guess by the beauty of our territory that the outside world views us as nothing more than a bloodthirsty and ruthless pack.

Walking further, I see they’ve added a diner and pizzeria next to the grocery store since I’ve been gone. I love the progress they’ve made, and the way the pizza smells. I wonder how it compares to the pizza in New York. There is peace and tranquility here. No horns honking, traffic noises, or people noises; just the sounds of pups playing, birds chirping, laughter, and the peace of nature. I finally make my way to the tree line and excitement fills my soul.

‘I could use a run,’Sasha speaks in my mind. Here we are safe to run whenever we want, no hiding and only running by the light of the moon.

‘Me too,’I reply.‘Dad, I’m going for a run along the west border, heading east.’I mindlink my dad to let him know about my plans. Although I’m a member of this pack, the patrolling warriors may not recognize my wolf since I’ve been gone for so long. Better to be safe than sorry, that’s what I always say.

‘Ok sugar, I’ll let patrols know. Have a good run. Love you. It’s good to have you home.’I feel his love through our mindlink and it makes my heart swell and brings a smile to my face.

‘Love you too, dad. It’s good to be home.’I cut the link and step behind a tree to undress, then shift into my chocolate-colored wolf with white paws.

I give Sasha complete control, stepping back in my mind to enjoy the ride. Sasha stretches, then bounces and takes off towards the east. She is so fast; the forest is just a blur as she races through it at top speeds. Jumping over stumps and fallen trees, ducking under low-lying branches. Her white paws make a thunderous roar on the forest floor. She spots a rabbit, and the race is on. Instantaneously she is on its heels and just before she chomps down; it escapes by ducking into a hole under some fallen branches. I laugh as she frustratingly paws and scratches at the branches, then movement from the tree canopy catches her attention.Squirrel.She loves the taste of fresh squirrel. Sasha chases it as it jumps from tree to tree, but she knows that she’ll never catch it unless it falls. Giving up on the squirrel, she decides she needs a dip in the artisan-well fed lake.

When we arrive at the lake, she dives in. The cool water washes over her fur and is so refreshing. She swims and even tries to catch a fish. I giggle at her antics, as she enjoys her freedom. Soon she is tired of swimming and exits the lake shaking vigorously, shedding water from her soft fur. Exhausted and happy, she lies down on the bank next to the lake for a quick nap.

Mom’s voice calling us home for dinner at the packhouse wakes us up. Sasha stands and stretches before heading back home. She trots along for several minutes before picking up another presence.

‘We are not alone,’Sasha nervously looks around, then picks up the pace. Suddenly we hear the sounds of paws hitting the ground.‘They’re getting closer, but I think I can outrun them.’

Tags: Krys Strong Paranormal