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Chapter Seven

Just when I thought everything was peachy with my mates and I was actually getting used to the fact that somehow Fate had chosen well in my betrothed men, they went and screwed it all up.

That’s what boys did after all.

“Your Majesty, Ms. Dover is here.”

Crap. With everything going on and my mates trying to lock me up out of fear and fear alone, I’d forgotten who this Ms. Dover was.

Liam must’ve seen the confused look on my face because he stepped forward. “Ms. Dover, the woman who has been planning the solar energy for the kingdom as you requested.” His words were clipped, polite, and formal as though he knew that he was already on thin ice.

He should know. I told him.

“Yes, of course. Please let her in. Bring her to the meeting room.”

We watched from the other side of the hallway while the woman did the best she could to maintain her composure while being blindfolded in a castle. I didn’t know if she knew we were shifters or anything else about us. Arne had made the connection with her through his research and brought her here.

Arne stepped forward, and his shadow covered me. “She should have several proposals for us. I gave her the specs on the kingdom and how much energy would be necessary to produce.”

I walked toward Arne’s office, already knowing what my plan would be. The woman sat at the elongated table, her hands crossed over her lap while she bit at her lipstick-covered lip. I would hate being blindfolded like that and brought into a place I didn’t know, with people I had only communicated with by phone or email. It would be disconcerting at the least.

Turning to face my mates, who had followed me the small distance, I smiled. “I’ll let everyone know how this meeting goes,” I said, hands on the knobs of the double doors, ready to close them behind me.

Gunnar put his hand on the top of one door. “Janis, we’ve spoken about the impending danger. How we wish to keep you safe.”

I lifted his hand, one finger at a time. “And I’ve spoken to you about how this is my kingdom, and I will do as I please. Besides, I really doubt this woman is an assassin for Bors, posing as a solar energy advocate and has snuck in here to kill me with her briefcase or her very uncomfortable-looking heels.”

Arne stepped forward. “Janis, this is my specialty. This is what I’ve been researching and…”

“I know that. And after the meeting, I will, of course, seek your advice and knowledge on what I find out. In the meantime, there must be something you three can think of to do. Some use to improve the kingdom even in the smallest way? I know you won’t be possessive enough to stand outside the door while I handle this because you trust that I know how to run my affairs, isn’t that right?”

I almost laughed at the way each one screwed up his face. They were put off by me and yet had no reason to be. I’d always presented myself as a strong, independent woman despite my handicap, and even when Bors’ control made it mostly a lie. No reason to think having new mates would change any of that.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Arne was the first to bow before stomping away. Then again, he was such a big guy that he always stomped away whether he was trying to or not.

I shut the door and turned to my company. “Ms. Dover, I apologize for the blindfold and the weirdness.” In one small movement, I removed her blindfold and stepped out from behind her. “Now that it’s just us girls, let’s talk business.”

A few moments later, after she’d regained her composure and got used to the light, she began. I had to explain to her about looking at me when she spoke.

“I have a cousin who is deaf. I will try to speak clearly and point out any more scientific words here on the paper. Those can be hard to read.”

I liked her already.

“Excellent. Let’s get started.”

Tags: Mazzy J. March The Queen's Mates Fantasy