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Chapter Twenty-Two

Bors had retreated beyond the barrier again—at least that was what the scouts reported. I really needed to learn more about the scouts. They made them sound like a natural extension of the palace guard, but I felt like there had to be more to it. With the enemy in what was likely temporary retreat, we took a moment to analyze our accomplishments and plan for the future.

And this time not just for the kingdom. While I proudly wore the marks of all three of my mates, Leif’s idea for a formal and public mating ceremony had struck a nerve in the others and lit a fire under them at the same time.

They loved the idea.

But we couldn’t have a party for us until the kingdom was secure, and on that subject, I would not be budged. Not an inch. We’d been lucky when the last gathering was not invaded in any way, and none of the wolves reported seeing anything amiss on the run. I wanted to have celebrations all the time, and once Bors was out of the picture for real, we’d be doing that.

“Janis, look.” Leif’s voice held awe as he pointed. “They’re turning them on.” We were a couple of miles from the palace, where the first hillside of turbines stood. From here, they didn’t look that big, but I’d been close enough to know they were. Just across the road were a couple of dozen solar panels, winking in the sunlight.

“They are magnificent, aren’t they?” And on such an important day, I wasn’t going to reveal the news I had to share. The evening before, at dinner, my hearing had completely failed. One moment silverware clattered and people chattered…the next, nothing. It had come back, but the healers had warned that this was the beginning of the end. I’d had better and worse days until now but never complete loss.

It had scared me. Somehow, I’d always convinced myself that despite the genetic condition, I’d miss the worst-case scenario. Sure didn’t look like it now.

“Janis.” Gunnar leaned in close to my face and studied my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“What could be wrong?” I extended my hand. “I’m queen of the best kingdom on the face of the earth. With the three best mates.” And I wasn’t going to worry anyone yet. It wasn’t as if the healers had a solution anyway.

For now, I linked arms with Leif and Arne and rose on tiptoe to kiss Gunnar on the cheek. Whatever we faced, we would face it together.

And for now, that would have to be enough.

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Tags: Mazzy J. March The Queen's Mates Fantasy