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I reached up to touch my lids as though I could feel the change of color.

“It’s okay. Let’s go get you something to drink and cool off. Maeve, we’re going to get some...something.”

Looking to the floor, I couldn’t face any of them, especially Zephyr. After that little display, I wouldn’t be surprised if he never spoke to me again.

I walked out feeling like I was a black speck on a white dress, so small and yet, so apparent.

“Hey,” Alara said, bumping my shoulder with hers. “At least we saw a little of your fairy.”

Chapter Nine

Sore and aching from the “sparring” or, as I thought of it, stabbing, I didn’t sleep well and, when I woke the next morning, the first thing I remembered was another tutoring session in Titania’s office. It was enough to steal a girl’s appetite, but I still managed to eat three muffins with my latte because I figured I’d need my strength.

I was starting to think that if I didn’t get my wings soon, I might back out of the academy and go home to junior college. My skills and abilities were constantly tested and found wanting. After the tutoring session, I had history, where I would be expected to recite something long and difficult and without even a rhyme to help me remember it. Unlike high school where it was pretty much listen to the lectures, read the textbook, write papers, and take an occasional exam, everything here felt like a test.

Even crossing the courtyard could lead to an encounter of the creepy slimy kind. And dating? Not that I’d done any, but my overwrought brain wanted not just one boyfriend but a pair of them. And I had been ogling someone else’s betrothed in my spare time.

We were only a little bit into the semester, but I was as wrung out as after studying for finals last year.

Drawing a deep breath, I steeled my nerves then tapped on Titania’s door. Softly. Maybe she wouldn’t hear and I could claim, honestly, I had tried.

“Come in.” Her melodious voice carried through the door. “And don’t think you’ll avoid this by knocking so I can’t hear you. I hear everything.”

I twisted the knob and entered. Temptation to deny what she’d said rose up, but I stuffed it down again. Why bother. “Good morning, Titania.”

Bain had arrived before me, and he stood in front of her desk, his fists balled at his sides. “Hi, Endy.”

“Hey,” I replied, coming to stand beside him. Distress flowed off him in waves. “What’s going on?”

“The last time you both were here, you left before Bain had his turn. I’d hoped that working together you would help one another, so this time, Bain, you will go first. Unlike Endy, you do have access to your wings, but it shouldn’t be so hard.”

“I would rather not do this right now,” he growled, and my head snapped toward him again. I’d never heard him speak in anything but the most pleasant tones, even when he was telling me I was going to get myself sucked beyond the veil.

A place I was most curious about, since I’d learned that all fairies came from there originally. I was unusual in that I had been born in the human realms, but Mom and Dad were from there. There was so much I still didn’t understand about why they were not allowed back or refused to go back or a combination thereof.

“I understand that,” Titania said, drawing my attention back to the moment. “Do it.”

“Why?” His fists flexed.

“Because I need to watch and see if I can help you make it easier, and it will do good for Endy to see that not everyone can bring them forth with no trouble. It might help her process as well.”

He was grinding his teeth and I felt for him. No guy likes to have a girl he’s interested in see his weaknesses. “Fine.”

“Sit down, Endy. And watch.” Titania moved around the desk and turned Bain away from her. “Close your eyes, Bain. I think the last time you did better. What were you thinking then?”

“I was picturing myself flying after a gloaming, going to take it down.”


“But those are formless goo. Stinky formless goo,” I blurted out. “How can you chase them?”

The headmistress was in my face in under a second. “Formless goo? Who told you that?”

“N-nobody. I saw one, in the courtyard the other night.” A lump formed in my throat as her gaze tightened. “Is that unusual?”

Bain was off the hook as Titania reached for her phone and called in most of the faculty and a couple of guys and a woman who introduced themselves as security. Apparently, when something like a gloaming shows up, it’s supposed to be reported.

The staff closed in around me, firing questions so fast, I could barely manage to sort out what they were asking.

Tags: Mazzy J. March Sciathain Academy Fantasy