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This guy was too many things, and all of them were dangerous. “Hard pass.”

“And here I was coming to invite to my after-party. Maybe I shouldn’t have.”

Shit. That must’ve been the party Nissa and he were talking about behind the stacks that day. I shouldn’t be interested. I shouldn’t care. But damn it all if this man, this pristine form of a masculine god didn’t intrigue the hell out of me.

“Fine. I’ll bite. What party?”

He covered his mouth but I knew he was smiling. His eyes gave him away the way they sparkled and crinkled at the corners. “I always have an exclusive after-party right after the All Hallows Eve one here. It’s at my house, well, my parents’ house, and I want you to be there.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. His gaze darted to my chest and then back to my lips. Damn it all, I wanted to crawl over the table and prove that this corner was for naughty girls over and over and over.

What the hell is wrong with you, Endymion? Two guys not enough?

“If I were to go to said party, no way in hell I’d be going alone. That’s sounds like a cliché

start to a makeup-and-mystery video.”

“A what?”

I rolled my eyes. These fairies needed to broaden their horizons. “It’s a video where someone does their makeup on camera while they tell the story of a murder mystery or an unsolved mystery. Anyway, so I can bring someone?”

He curled his upper lip, his very pouty, very kissable top lip. “You can bring that girl you always hang out with.”

“Her name is Alara.”

Adair cocked that eyebrow again. He said so many things with his face. “So you’ll be there with Alara?”

“I don’t have the address. I can barely manage finding things on campus.”

He reached across the table and grabbed my notebook, scribbling something with my pen and then closing it before sliding it back. “Now you have it. I’ll expect you to be there.”

I was under his spell, but it was fading fast. In fact, the air cleared as I thought about being there with Nissa hovering around. “And your betrothed?”

I felt the movement of his leg bouncing under the table. “Just be there. I promise you will get some alone time with me. After all, that’s why you’re coming, right?”

There wasn’t time to answer him. He was up and out of my sight before I could respond to his egotistical remark.

The cheek of this one. Did he really think I was going to walk into his party, grab his collar, and drag him into the nearest bedroom for a fuck?

Okay, that didn’t sound so bad. Five minutes not a virgin, and look where my mind was going.

“Endy, are you okay?”

Zephyr’s voice broke through the fantasy, and I was grateful. It was getting out of hand. Adair was taken.

Maybe the after-party was not such a good idea.

“I’m fine. Just trying to memorize everything in the world.”

“That’s a big task. Can I sit with you?”

I nodded. He planted his very fine ass right next to me but then didn’t hesitate to pull me into his lap. Gods, I was already hot and bothered by Adair’s presence, but now Zephyr had me planted on his muscular thighs.

This cornerwasvery dark.

“What are you thinking, mate?” he whispered in my ear. There was that word again. I’d forgotten to ask Alara about it.

“I’m thinking that I heard this is where the couples go to make out. It was bright when I came this afternoon, but now it’s kind of romantic.”

Tags: Mazzy J. March Sciathain Academy Fantasy