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“I’ll give you a hint,” Alara continued, putting the icing in her mouth. She had a sly grin on her face. “He’s tall and blonde, got a great ass and is, as far as everyone at this school knows, taken for. But the eye-fucking he’s giving you right now says otherwise, my dear.”

My heart plummeted right down into my gut. She was talking about Adair. His jadeite eyes flashed in my mind’s eye before I even saw him in reality.

“I’m not looking over there.”

She snorted and kicked me under the table with her clunky Mary Janes. “Come on, you know you want to.”

Gods, I did. Not because he was a complete god in terms of features, although he was. He had a jawline that could cut diamonds. There was an aristocratic air about him like he could rule over all of us by just standing up and tapping his staff.

He could rule over me anytime he wanted to.

I shook my head as reality flicked me in the forehead. I had Bain and Zephyr interested in me...both of them? I was still confused as hell about that situation, and now I was thinking about Adair in nothing but a…

I had to look. As soon as my gaze lined up with his, it was all over but the orgasm. Gods, he winked at me then, making my thighs quiver and my body was engulfed in flames.

But that feeling was extinguished by the fact that Nissa was on his lap. She was straddling him, her mouth against his ear, whispering something to him, something dirty probably...all while he was winking and nailing me with his steely stare. His arms were at his sides, like noodles that had been cooked and then let cool too long. He wasn’t touching her but he wasn’t pushing her off his lap, either.

The thing was, I was caught in his web and, no matter how much the scene disgusted me, I couldn’t look away. Stuck, just like in the library, anchored in place.

Nissa suddenly pulled back and followed his gaze to me. She whirled on him, saying something I couldn’t hear, and slapped at his chest. He laughed and picked her up, setting her aside like she was a sullen, whiny puppy who he just couldn’t deal with anymore.

He got up after pushing his tray across the table and strolled out, not a word to her or even a nod in my direction.

“Shit,” I said as Nissa stood, trying to distance-murder me from across the room with her clenched jaw and balled-up fists.

Alara snorted. “A little competition never hurt anyone, especially her. Being knocked down a few notches will do her good.”

The thing was, I didn’t want to get in a fight or even have a showdown with this woman. All I wanted was to learn how to be a fairy and make out with the two hot guys in my life.

And, you know, not to be attacked by a gloaming, but I considered that a bonus.

“Who in the fuck do you think you are? Do you even know who I am? Adair is my betrothed. That means we’re practically already married,” Nissa yelled on her way over. I blew out a breath. This was exactly the nineties teen movie drama I didn’t want in my life and yet, here I was, plunged into it.

She was pissing me off, ruining the satisfaction of a full belly and sitting somewhere that wasn’t in class. The sound of her heels against the marble floor pierced my ears and drummed up frustration even more.

“If you’re practically married, then why the fuck are you over here telling me?”

She scoffed. “Because you need to learn your place around here. Stop looking at my fiancé. Don’t talk to him, either. He’s claimed. He’s mine.”

Alara laughed. She hadn’t even bothered to turn around and give Nissa the satisfaction of her attention. “Sounds like a cow instead of a fiancé.”

Nissa hissed, and I thought she might take a swing at Alara, so I stood. “No one is looking at him or wanting him or whatever the hell you’re thinking. So why don’t you take your high and mighty, entitled, whiny, insecure ass over to the other side of the cafeteria before I take you over there myself.”

Her eyes turned to thin slits and I could practically feel the hot waves of anger cascading from her to me. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

“Actually, I do. You just told me. Nissa, married to Adair. We all heard it. You need a new line.”

I thought I had won. My chest puffed out while my temples buzzed.

My haughtiness about the small battle was sliced in half by someone else’s burger and fries and applesauce? Something like that.

Nissa had flicked someone’s tray through the air, and the contents were all over me in seconds.

“And you are Endy, in need of a shower and a serious attitude adjustment. Oh, and a change of clothes.”

The cafeteria broke out in laughter and, while I’d won the verbal fight, I’d lost the rest. If I only knew my powers, had them under my control, I might’ve been able to fight back, fairy-style.

Instead, I picked up my bag and stomped out.

Tags: Mazzy J. March Sciathain Academy Fantasy