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"I already checked the flights. I booked two tickets on the first flight out, which leaves in..." I look at my watch. "Two hours. We’ll be back in Palermo in plenty of time for the rehearsal."

"You’re not taking a commercial flight," Massimo says in a hard voice.

"News flash: it’s how we normal people do things. Which you are not." I look him up and down. "But I wouldn’t expect you to understand, given your lifestyle. Also, I am not flying back on the same plane as you. I only agreed to come by private jet because I needed to get here in time to witness my best friend’s wedding, which—" I turn to Jeanne. "I have now done." I kiss her again on the cheek. "See you back at the rehearsal."

I walk past them and head for the door, then stop and glance over her shoulder. "You coming, Penny?"

Penny looks at me pleadingly.

I scowl back at her.

Jeanne looks crestfallen.

I bite my lip, then close the distance to her and hug her again. "I am so sorry. I know it's hurtful of me to take off like this. It's just... I can't stand your brother-in-law."

I glance from her to where Massimo is watching us closely.

"Huh? Is there something between the two of you? Something you haven't told us?"

Shit, of course Jeanne would jump to that conclusion, considering how cagey I’ve been acting around Massimo. And my aggressive statement didn’t help.

I hesitate, then lean in even closer. "I can neither confirm nor deny that statement," I mutter.

"Oh, my god. So, you two met before? Did you sleep with him?" she whisper-yells.

"Shh." I peer at Massimo from the corner of my eyes. "Don’t worry about it. Anyway, today is not about me; it's about you. I truly hope that you'll be happy." I kiss her cheek. "Please don’t be angry with me for leaving, okay?"

She scans my features, then nods. "Fine." She blows out a breath. "Go on, get out of here. But you owe me an explanation."

"Thanks, Jeanne." I squeeze her arm. "I'll see you in time for the rehearsal, okay?"

Penny rushes over, and hugs Jeanne again. "See you in a few, babe. Remember what I said about riding the stallion?"



The music from the overhead speakers pours over me as I sink to my knees in front of the Beast. He’s hurt so badly, and I’m sure he’s going to die. I beg him not to leave me because I’ve found a home with him. I assure him he’s going to live. I reach out to him, but his body is already still. No, it’s not possible. The tears I’ve been trying to hold back slide down my cheeks.No, don’t leave me. Please.I throw myself on his body and sob. He can’t leave me because I love him. Silence descends. The hair on the back of my neck rises. A current of electricity swirls around me. A part of me is aware this is a musical, and I’m acting. Or am I?

I hold him tighter. My chest hurts, my limbs are numb, and every part of me is ready to die with him, when rose petals float down from above. The Beast stirs. The thick, scaly exterior which has covered his body fades away in front of my eyes. In front of me is a man. A handsome man. A man who is almost as large as the Beast in size. A broad chest, massive shoulders, a square jaw, and those pouty lips I’d recognize anywhere. I raise my gaze past that hooked nose to those gorgeous gray eyes, through which he regards me. There’s a spark deep inside that hooks me and doesn’t let go.

“Stellina," he reaches for me.

I jump back from him. "No. No, no, no. What are you doing here?"

"Don’t you recognize me? I’m the one you fell in love with," he murmurs. That dark, rich voice sends shivers of need coursing up my spine.

It can’t be. I stumble back and turn to leave, when something slams into me. The reverberations ricochet through my bones. I glance down to find blood spurting from my side. Blood? My blood?

I lurch forward, not sure what happened. Someone screams. I smell something burning, like charred flesh. A wisp of smoke arises from the wound. I touch the stain of black near it, and a burst of pain radiates from the contact. My head spins. My stomach churns. A numbness grips me. I stagger, then bump into the heavy dressing table with the mirror in which Belle had seen the image of her sick father and begged the Beast to release her. I stare at my reflection. My face is so pale. I reach out my palm to touch my reflection in the mirror, leaving a stain of red in my wake.Huh? Do I have blood on my fingers?

I glance at my palm, which fades in and out in front of me. Footsteps sound behind me. I half turn, lose my balance, and my knees give out from under me. I hurtle forward and my face smashes into the edge of the dressing table. Sparks explode behind my eyes, only to fade away, and darkness closes in on me. My last thought is, I shouldn’t have lied to Massimo.

* * *

I float on a bed of white, light as a feather, tossed this way, then that. It’s not unpleasant, just a bit confusing. I try to move my arms and legs, but they don’t seem to obey me. I look down at myself and find the light pouring through me. How weird. I glance around, taking in the nothingness. It’s not uncomfortable, just eerie. Not bad eerie; not a good eerie, either. It’s just empty. A golden light comes into view. I glance at it, and my body moves toward it. Hey, this is cool. Apparently, I can use my thoughts to move my body. I glide toward it when something pushes me to glance over my shoulder. There’s something… Someone’s there. Someone’s presence calls to me. I stay there, suspended, then turn back toward the light.

"Stellina," his voice echoes around the space. "Come back, Via."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic