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I hesitate.

"I can’t live without you. You’re not leaving me, you hear me?"

I try to push toward the light, but this time, my body doesn’t obey. I am sliding back, unable to stop myself. Fine, okay. If that’s what you want. With a last glance at the light, I turn toward the voice.

"Via. Open your eyes."

My eyelids flutter open, and the harsh glare seems to burn my retinas. I moan and close my eyes again. Draw in a breath and my lungs hurt. Come to think of it, every part of me hurts.

"Via." There’s an urgent tone to this voice now. Something warm squeezes my fingers. I crack my eyelids open again and glance down to where his fingers are wrapped around mine.

"Via!" His tone is more urgent. I raise my gaze to his, and it’s almost not a shock when his gray eyes capture mine. "You’re awake."

He places his other palm over mine, cradling my hand between both of his. "ThankSanta Maria, you are okay.”

“Massimo?” I cough. “ What are you doing here?”

He reaches for a bottle of water, then helps me up and supports me as I sip from the straw.


I nod, and he places the bottle back on the bed-stand.

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital?”

He lowers me back to the pillows and takes my hand in his again. "What do you remember last?" he asks softly.

"I was on stage for the opening night of the musical." I wrinkle my forehead, but even that gesture hurts. My entire face feels numb. I also have a bandage on my cheek. I bring my fingers up to feel its shape.

"Did I hurt myself?"

He nods, a gentle yet wary look in his eyes. Is he hiding something from me?

"Something hit me," I burst out. "I saw the blood on my chest, then I lost my balance and fell."

"You were shot, Via," he says in a soothing voice.

"Shot?" I blink rapidly. "What do you mean, shot?"

"A bullet—it grazed the side of your chest. Luckily, it was just a flesh wound, so you should heal soon."

"Thank God." A breath I hadn’t been aware I was holding whooshes out of me. "So, I should be back on my feet very soon."

"That’s right."

"So, I should be able to reprise my role again." Just my luck, considering I was the lead and Jeanne was my understudy. "I guess Jeanne will have to play the lead until I’m recovered."

Some of the tension leaves my muscles. I yawn suddenly, and my cheek throbs. I wince. "Is my face going to be okay?"

“You’re beautiful, my Via.”

Tears prick the backs of my eyes. A ball of something heavy clogs my throat. “I look terrible, don’t I? That’s the only reason you’re showering me with compliments.”

“You look perfect.” He holds my gaze. “To me, you’ll always be the most gorgeous woman in the world.” He leans forward and rubs his thumb in circles over my wrist. A shiver trembles out from the point of contact. Damn, I am injured, and my body still can’t help but respond to him.

"Massimo,” I clear my throat. “How bad is it? You can tell me.”

His lips firm, but his eyes are so soft, so tender. I instantly know he’s trying to shield me. And I appreciate it. I do. But I also need to know the truth.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic