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Me: Interesting you’d jump to that conclusion but yes, it’s a man.

Declan: You’ve never asked me for help in that department, so this should be interesting.

Me: Nothing interesting, you ass. I simply need you to play along when the time comes.

Declan: Do I want to know what I have to play along with? *smirk emoji*

Me: Trust me, you don’t. Just do as you’re told.

Declan: You know I don’t take kindly to orders… Except from my closest friends.

Me: I know jerkface. Trust me you, won’t regret this. I hope...

Declan: Which means I will regret this but that’s okay. Anything for you Olly.

Me: Hate that nickname.

Declan: No you don’t. Gotta run.

Come to think of it, there are a lot of similarities between Declan and Massimo. Both are tall and good-looking, and both have that aura of dominance that clings to them, so when they walk into a room, you have to quell the urge to bend and scrape. Only difference, there’s this chemistry with Massimo that threatens to detonate every time I meet him. Something I don’t have with Declan, charming as he is. More’s the pity. Life would be easier if I could fall for Declan. A-n-d…No, no, no,I have not fallen for Massimo, either. That would be very dumb of me. A mistake I will not let myself commit.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the officiant declares.

I jump when I hear those words, then force myself to focus on the unfolding scene before me. Luca pulls Jeanne close and kisses her forehead. She seems taken aback by the gesture. Guess she expected something more passionate. That’s the way it is with these Mafia men. They like to keep you on edge. Prefer to take you by surprise, so you’ll never know what they’re going to do next. I know because I’ve seen the likes of them up close.

Not that I’ve revealed my past to any of my friends. It’s a time in my life I prefer to keep compartmentalized, and for a good reason. I’m not proud of my roots. Not proud of what my family does for a living. But, perhaps I internalized some traits of my upbringing, for I’m attracted to exactly the kind of man I once swore off. Don’t women often marry someone like their father because that's the model for what they expect in a husband? And there are a lot of similarities between Massimo and my father. They are both loyal to their clan, protective of their family, and with a big heart. My dad was also very controlling when it came to my Ma. Would Massimo turn out that way, too? He’s possessive, and I admit, I like that trait in him. But if we were to get together, would he stop me from pursuing my career?

Why am I thinking of a possible future with him? I don’t want anything to do with him. Definitely not. I squeeze my fingers together.

Luca and Jeanne sign the marriage certificate, then Penny rushes forward to congratulate the newlyweds. She kisses Jeanne on her cheek. I want to do the same. I want to feel happy for my friend, but I worry if I say or do anything wrong, the fact that I’m worried for her will come through. Does she know what she’s getting into with Luca? Does she know she’s marrying into theCosa Nostra?

I turn away and my gaze is captured by Massimo’s. He’s wearing the same dark suit he wore on the flight. His chin is dark with a day-old beard. Just how it was when I met him in the bar. Sometime during that night we spent together, he must have dragged those whiskers across my inner thighs; the red marks he’d left behind on my skin were visible when I got home. He took me when I was half-asleep, more than once, and the orgasms blurred into each other. It took me days to recover from the high of the endorphins. That’s how thoroughly he fucked me.

Those gray eyes of his grow blue-green. Goddamn, I already know it means he’s aroused. He wets his lips, and ohmygod, I can feel the tug on my clit. No one else has eaten me out before him. Now, you know. I didn’t feel comfortable being that vulnerable with anyone else. Blowjobs are okay, but having someone go down on me? I need to trust my partner, and apparently, my subconscious decided I did, without checking in with me.

"I know you’ll make her happy. I know you love her. I see it in your eyes," Penny declares.

Of the three of us, Penny is the most romantic, the most idealistic, and it shows in her words. Not that I don’t want to fall in love, but life isn’t always that generous. And even if you do fall in love, there are no guarantees you’ll get a happy ending.

The officiant behind us clears his throat again. "I need two witnesses to sign, as well."

"I’ll do it." I tear my gaze off of Massimo’s, then step forward. I glance around for a pen.

"Here." Massimo pulls a pen from inside his coat pocket. I take it from him with a muttered thanks. I finish signing, then he does the same. When he straightens, our gazes clash. His eyes flash, and a trembling grips me. It’s as if a host of butterflies have been let loose in my belly. My fingers dampen. I set my jaw, and a mask seems to fall over his features. He breaks the connection, then we turn to face Jeanne and Luca.

"Everything okay?" Jeanne glances between us.

"Of course." I paste a big smile on my face. I step forward and hug Jeanne. "Congratulations. I hope you’ll be happy."

"You still don’t approve, do you?" she mutters under her breath.

"It doesn’t matter what I think." I kiss her cheek. "If this is what you want, then who am I to disagree? Just remember, if you ever need help, I’ll be there for you."

She holds my gaze; a slight furrow mars her forehead.

I squeeze Jeanne’s hand one last time, then step back. "We’re going to make our own way back to Palermo," I declare.

"But you won’t make it back in time for the rehearsal this evening," she protests.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic