Page 9 of Inked Heart

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Chapter Five

“Theonlyotherplace I really like going to is the beach.”

“Let’s go. Should I come with you or want me to follow?”

“You can ride with me.”

“Do you feel safe with me?”

I look at him for a second, letting the question roll around in my mind. Do I? I do. Is that weird? I’ve only known him for a short time, but it’s a public place. And if he acts up on the drive, the doors are off my Jeep. I can always un-click his buckle and make a hard left.

Too far?

I giggle to myself. “I do.”

We climb in and don’t talk much on the drive there. It’s hard when you’re going seventy on the highway with no doors. It gets loud.

Once we get there, we toss our shoes in the back, carefully walk the small trail to the boardwalk and once my feet hit the sand, I relax. This truly is my favorite place to be. We make out way to the beach and walk along the edge of the water.We talk about our favorite things. He makes jokes that actually make me laugh. I don’t even have to fake it.

At one point, we stop and stare out over the water.

“I might have to start doing this. Walking on the beach. It really is nice,” Night says.

“It’s peaceful, for sure.”

As the waves come in, our feet sink deeper into the sand. I try pulling my foot out and almost lose my balance, then I feel his hand on my lower back. It’s a gentle touch to keep me steady, but the warmth radiates around my core.

It’s been too long.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, thanks. Want to keep walking?” Our eyes lock, and I watch as the small wrinkles around his hazel-green eyes crease from a smile.


Once his pants were wet up to the knee and we walk the length of the small beach access, I took him back to his truck. We sat in the parking lot talking for another hour and a half before I had to get going. I promised Kelly we could go out for sushi tonight.

“Let’s get our shoes from the back.” I say as I get out of the Jeep.

I slip my sandals on, and he sets his boots on the ground.

“I had fun today, Piper. I hope we can do this again.”

“I did, too. We definitely should.”

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. His wrap around my waist, and I breathe him in. I run my nails through his short, buzzed cut hair, and he lets out a small moan.

Yup, like I said. It’s been too long.

“Bye.” I go to turn, but his hand catches mine.

“Wait.” He lifts my arm above my head, spinning me back towards him. “Can I kiss you before you leave?”

My cheeks heat as a smile spreads across my face, and I nod. His hand comes to my cheek as I lift onto my toes, and our lips meet. He’s gentle, and his lips are soft against mine. But the way my body responds…I melt into the kiss.

Then, it’s over.

I bite my lip as I say goodbye again. I drive away I feel like a giddy young girl.

Tags: T. Spear Romance