Page 10 of Inked Heart

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“Well,howwasit? What did you do? You were gone for a while. It must have been great.”

“Hello to you, too, Kelly.”

“Oh, don’t act like we weren’t going to play fifty questions when you got home. Tell me everything.”

“Let me go change for dinner, and I’ll tell you everything in the car.”


On the way to our favorite sushi spot, I tell Kelly everything, and when we park, she turns to me.

“You have that swoon look on your face.”

“I do not!” I turn away from her, trying to screw the smile from my face. The one I don’t think has left since seeing Night exit the bookstore to meet me in the parking lot.

“You do, and it’s adorable.”

“Whatever, let’s go eat.”

We get out of her car and hook arms as we walk into the restaurant and are seated. We both order a glass of plum wine and one of their variety plates that we always share.

“So, when are you seeing him again?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours.”

“But you like him, right?”

“I do. I feel like we had a good connection. And he’s so tall.”

“Yeah, cause height matters.”

“When you were with someone who’s an inch taller than you, and have always wanted to feel “small,” yeah, it does matter.”

She rolls her eyes at me.

“It’s not all that matters. There are other things about him I like.”

“That red hair?”

“Oh, yeah.” I giggle.

The server brings us our food, and I reach for my chop sticks. But as I do, Kelly grabs my hand and flips it, so my tattooed ring is showing.

“When are you going to get this fixed?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’ve canceled on him twice. What are you afraid of?” She lets go of my hand and I bring it to my chest, covering it with the other.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. Before, it was because it made the end of the relationship that much more official, but now I’ve moved on.”

“Um, I would say so. Right on over to bookstore boy.”

“Okay, text him, see if he has any openings next weekend.” I don’t even get the entire sentence out before she is already texting him.



Tags: T. Spear Romance