Page 8 of Inked Heart

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“They opened one a few blocks from my house. That was three weeks after I moved to a different city.”

“Bummer.” I scan the first rows, and a book I have been wanting catches my eyes. “Oh!” I make a beeline for it, grab it off the shelf and slide it between my arm and body. “I’ve got my first one.” I turn and smile at him.

“What is it?”

“A romance book.”

He nods his head. “I should have known.” He lets out a chuckle, and I bump my shoulder into him.

“Yes, you should have. Let’s go wander.”

I told him from the beginning that I read romance books, the spicy kind. I told him what my favorite book is, and he bought it the same night, read it, and gave me his feedback. He told me he enjoyed it, but who doesn’t enjoy a good love story with some steamy scenes?

We make a lap around the store once, glancing down the aisles to see what section is where. But then I lead him to the romance section. I point out books I like and some I didn’t care for. Occasionally, he grabs one and reads the blurb on the back. We joke about Fabio with his long flowing blonde hair.

After walking around for an hour, we both have three new books to read.

“Do you want to go do something else?” he says, turning to me after we exit the store. “You tell me where, and we will go.”

A small flutter swirls through my stomach at the thought that he wants to continue to spend time with me.

Tags: T. Spear Romance