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Ace laughs. “Not an answer. I wonder why.”

“No reason,” I say just as we approach the guys. “Beers for the table, whiskey for me.”

“Fuck that,” Coop growls and snatches a shot before I set the tray down.

“You always spring for the good shit,” Joaquin grins and takes two glasses. As soon as I set the tray down, he hands me the extra shot. “They go fast,” he said and nods toward the now empty tray.

“Thanks.” We drink and play pool for a couple hours, shooting the shit and taking shots.

“Next round’s on me since I can’t seem to stop winning.” Preacher flashes a wide, good-natured smile as he saunters off toward the bar.

“Fucker has to be cheating,” Coop growls. “Has to be.”

“I think you’re just out of practice,” I tell him. “Having a pregnant fiancé will do that to you.” I clap him on the back and smile.

“Who’s the girl?” Coop asks as he lines up his stick to break the balls neatly gathered at the center of the table.

I frown. “What girl?”

“Come on, bro. The girl. The reason why you’re wearing that goofy-ass shirt and left your kutte at home. Who is she?”

“Nobody,” I growl. “She’s not the girl for me. End of discussion.”

“Bullshit.” Coop pulls his arm back and cracks the cue ball, which sends solids and stripes scattering around the green felt.

“Stripes,” he calls and stares at me for too fucking long. “I know all about falling for the wrong girl, and if I was a pussy like you, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now.”

“It’s not the same.” Coop’s girl Kelsey is a rich girl, but her family is disconnected, halfway estranged, sure, but she’s not a good girl. “Kelsey chased you. She wanted you. You fucked her in the bathroom, for fuck’s sake.”

“Ah,” he says with a knowing smile. “This girl?” he says, nodding at my shirt. “She’s way out of your league.”

“Shit, probably. Anyway, it’s nothing to talk about,” I tell him and grab another shot from the tray in Preacher’s hand before I refill my glass of dark beer.

The drunker I get, the more it seems like a good idea to go find Heather and get my rocks off with her. She’s a pro, so she won’t be looking for anything but cash, never mind something serious. It’s not like Letty is a viable option, I tell myself as Coop wipes the floor with me in the last game of pool. Despite the heat between us and the fiery kisses, I know Letty’s not going to let me fuck her. She’s a good girl, possibly even more inexperienced than she seems.

“Fuck it,” I growl, just drunk enough to spot Heather’s big tits across the bar. She’s hot enough but staring at her doesn’t even get my dick hard. Not yet anyway. I catch Heather’s gaze and nod for her to meet me at the bar.

She saunters over on sky-high heels and leans against the bar in just the right position to show her body in its best light. “So, it’s later?”

“So it is,” I drawl and order two shots. “On me, honey.”

Heather giggles and raises her glass in the air. “To new friends and hot fucks.”

“I’ll drink to that.” We touch our glasses together and down the shots quickly. “I’m in no position to drive right now,” I tell her.

Heather pushes away from the bar and holds a hand out to me. “Let me take you to my office.” She keeps her hand in mine and pulls me out of Joe’s Tavern and around to the alley in back. “What are you lookin’ for, honey?”

“To bust a fuckin’ nut,” I tell her roughly and shove two hundred bucks in her hand.

Without another word, Heather squats down in front of me and takes my cock out of my pants. She’s stroking and sucking my cock exactly how I like, and I’m straining to find any fucking bit of pleasure.

But I can’t.

With my eyes shut, all I can see are Letty’s blue eyes staring at me, her clumsy kisses making me want her so bad. I wonder if her tits are bright pink or a muted shade of peach or even light brown. My cock stirs a little over thoughts of Letty, but it’s not working.


Heather stops and looks up at me. “Something wrong?”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Souls MC Dark