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“Outside in her wagon. She stayed at camp last night, but the company came in this morning. Zorya is watching over her now. She is too weak to step out, and it is best she not attract attention. There is enough on us at the moment.” Gesine wanders over to peer out the window. “From what I hear, that was some display last night.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure how I did it. I mean, I couldn’t before, with you, right?”

“I have a theory.” Her lips twist. “Every time you have managed to wield your power, you have done so because you were protecting others. The water shield that night? The beast tearing through a camp? The cave you collapsed? Whether elven or caster affinity, you’ve channeled to save lives.”

“So you knew I would be able to, if something bad enough happened here that I needed them.”

“I hoped.”

I smooth my thumb over my ring finger.

Only to realize it’s naked. Panic explodes as I search my memory. The last time I was wearing it … “That girl! The one I gave my cloak to—”

“She returned the cloak, along with your ring that was in the pocket.” Gesine points to the bedside table where the chunky gold band sits, the dull white stone staring at me.

I heave a sigh of relief. To think I once likened that piece of jewelry to a bubblegum-machine prize? Who could ever imagine the power it holds? “How are the prisoners?”

“I healed three mortals shot by arrows, as well as those who had been left in the pillories. Some were in poor health. I doubt they would have survived the night had you not freed them.” She pauses. “Nine have tainted blood. Four took the poison willingly, while the others had no idea. Their spouses must have slipped it into their drinks.”

I curse. It’s one thing to take it voluntarily but another to be given no option. How many more times will that happen? “Have you told Zander?”

“I have.”


“He gave them a choice: execution by King Atticus’s will, or life with a mark, by his.”

Zander offered what I would have asked him to. “And what did they say?”

“They all chose life.”

“Of course they did. Because they want to live.” But they’re willing to die for their freedom and the freedom of their loved ones.

“He’s offered the same to anyone in Norcaster who comes forward voluntarily, rather than kill their keeper and run. But I do not pretend to know how he thinks he will protect them from those same keepers after we leave.”

It’s simple. “We can’t leave them behind. We have to bring them north with us.”

“That is a conversation for the two of you. He has already declared it unsafe for mortals where we are going.”

“Have they found Drakon and Iago yet?”

She shakes her head. “I fear any who might have had answers have left them on the tavern floor with their blood.”

“If anyone can find out, it’ll be Abarrane.” She’ll drag the words off their tongues.

“She is certainly on a mission to try.” Gesine moves for the door. “The king asked that I fetch him when you stirred. There is a basin with lukewarm water and a few supplies I scrounged for you to wash with.”

“Thank you, Gesine.”

“He was here with you for much of the night.”

“Is he angry that I snuck out?”

She pauses. “Perhaps. But all I noticed is how very much in love he is.”

That brings a soft smile to my lips.

With that, she ducks out quietly.

Tags: K.A. Tucker Fate & Flame Fantasy