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“They would bleed you dry, filling entire jars with the poison in your veins to use as a weapon,” Jarek clarifies. “In case you were wondering what he is dancing around.”

I chase away the mental image his words stir. “Except they won’t figure out who I am.”

“That’s because you’re not going anywhere near Norcaster. The king has charged me with your safety, and unlike others who put up with your games, I won’t bend so easily. But I dare you to try. Please.” The look Jarek gives me is one of wicked challenge.

Arguing with the bullheaded male is not worth it. And I have a better weapon. “That’s fine. I’ll talk to Zander about it. Oh, look, there he is now.” My heart skips a beat at the sleek form that walks straight for us.

Jarek’s molars grind with frustration as he marches away, earning my grin.

“Why must you antagonize him like that?”

“Because it’s fun.” I scratch Eros’s snout and am gifted a head nudge against my cheek in answer as Zander arrives.

“You two seem taken with each other.” He smiles, but I note how tight it is.

“Is something wrong?”

“Yes, I do not want a mad seer pouncing on you again. That will be yours for tonight.” He points to the tent Bregen just finished putting up. Pan is lugging a metal bowl on a stand toward it, and Eden trails behind with a pile of furs. “Foul weather approaches. You should get comfortable in there now.”

A tent to myself … “What about you? Where are you staying tonight?”

Zander’s gaze drifts over my face, settling on my mouth. “There will be enough room for two.”

The heat of that simple statement ignites my pulse. I remember hating when he could read it. Now? Seeing that little smile that touches his lips as he senses my excitement?

Elisaf clears his throat as if to remind us he’s still here.

“Go on.” He jerks his chin toward it. “I will be there as soon as I can.”

It’s a dismissal—he wants to speak to Elisaf—but I don’t care because it’s quickly turning miserable out here, and he’s already made his promise to me for tonight.

I’m humming as I head for shelter.

“How is that, Your Highness?” Eden kneels before the brazier, rubbing her hands together. We lit it together, her teaching me how to stack the coal. Now it burns low, enough to fight the drop in temperature. Outside the shelter of this little tent, the wind blows in a biting cold.

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

She beams with pride. “Do you need more bedding?”

I survey the silky soft furs beneath me. “I think I have enough.” Whatever heat I need, I’ll get when my body is pressed against Zander’s.

A twinge of anxiousness pricks me. He said he’d be here as soon as possible, but it’s been at least an hour. “Where are you sleeping tonight, Eden? Do you know?”

“They’ve set up a large tent for the mortals. It will be far more comfortable than sleeping in that cramped wagon. Or worse, out in the open like last night. I don’t think I slept.”

Did she hear Ianca’s wails before Gesine set that shield? “Are you still happy you came with me?”

Her smile drops off, replaced by stark seriousness. “Oh yes! I’m not complaining! I would never wish to be anywhere else—”

I laugh. “Relax, Eden. It’s okay, even if you want to complain. And trust me, I was crawling up the walls in my wagon earlier. That’s why I ended up riding all afternoon.”

“Yes, I imagine that would have been more pleasant.” She giggles nervously. “Can I speak freely?”

“You don’t have to ask me that.”

“I do, but …” She bites her lip as if testing her thoughts before uttering them. “You are like no other immortal I’ve ever met. Is it because you are Ybarisan?”

No, it’s because I’m human. If only I could explain. “Maybe.”

Tags: K.A. Tucker Fate & Flame Fantasy