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Because Alabama’s different.

She’d never be just another girl to Griff. A long time ago, she was his girl. One he loved and then left in Clover.

“Right.” Griff sits back in the seat, a harsh ache settling in his chest. “Fifty bucks says I’ll have her in bed in a week. By the time we hit the Carolinas,” he says dryly.

“A bet?” Freddie smiles in delight. “Why, you’re absolutely savage, Griff. I love it.”

“Only for you, Freddie,” Griff says with a swagger he doesn’t feel. How can he feel like anything else other than a gigantic asshole?

Freddie’s phone clicks as she swipes over to an email, her eyes metronoming as she reads. “Now, she’s holed up in some two-bit town in Texas. I’ll be reaching out to her tomorrow via phone to inform her she will join the tour—”

“I’ll go.”


“I’ll go to Clover,” Griff bites out. “I’ll talk to her in person.”

Freddie calling Alabama would be a fucking disaster. His manager has all the subtlety of a chainsaw. The last thing he wants is for Alabama to learn the truth about why they’re bringing her on board. She’s already taking a beating in the press. He can’t imagine her finding out they want her because her tarnished reputation will make their tour gold.

Plus, he knows Alabama. She’s stubborn as hell. She needs someone who can match her word for word, which makes that someone Griff.

Freddie waves a manicured hand. “Fine. Be my guest.”

Brian’s gaping at Griff. Staring at him like he’s off his goddamn rocker. Which he is.

He knows what he’s done. Volunteered to go back to his hometown, to finally face the place he fled twelve years ago without an explanation.

Freddie puts the car in gear and backs out of the parking spot. She sets her gaze on the windshield, her profile sharp and pensive as she says, “I hope you learned something today, Griff. You do things when you drink. Things I hope you regret. Things that could cost you everything.”

His jaw, his fist clenches, and he turns to stare out the window. Story of his goddamn life. Starting with Alabama.

Tags: Ava Hunter Nashville Star Romance