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“Caleb’s just jealous he didn’t meet you first,” Tristan snorts.

Caleb starts laughing, “Hey, if I wanted her, I could have her.” He realizes his mistake when I start chasing him. After a few laps around the pool, I catch him and do what anyone would do. I push him in.

“I was kidding,” he surfaces, spitting out water. Everyone laughs.

“I know. You just looked like you needed to cool off,” I laugh.

I go back to my seat and take Briar’s hand as we sit in comfortable silence and watch the others.


I guess this means I don’t even have a chance. Not that I would try to steal her away. I can still crush on her, talk to her. Maybe one day, I will hold her. I feel creepy thinking that. I’m not a stalker, I’m not doing what Lane is doing. I’m content just being her friend. I wish it was me, but I’m happy for Kingston.


After a while, I order drinks and appetizers so everyone can take a break from the pool. Everyone digs in, hungry after all the horse play in the pool.

I take a sip of my beer. “You all can stay for dinner. We were going to watch Christmas movies.”

Next year, I’ll make sure to include Tristan, not just at my family Christmas party. I forget that he doesn’t have family here. Holden and Caleb have theirs.

“Holden? Caleb?”

“I’d like to stay,” Caleb says, Holden nods.

“Did you bring a bag with you?” Briar asks and everyone shakes their heads.

“We keep things here, we’ve stayed here before,” Holden says.

“Oh okay,” Briar collects the towels and puts them in the bin, before taking my hand as we make our way to the elevator. Everyone disperses and takes showers, dressing in comfortable, lazy clothes.

They guys are sitting in the living room, playing Xbox when I come out, letting Briar have some time to herself. I flop down on the couch and grab Holden’s controller as he whines.

“You guys didn’t bring your suits,” I state.

“We didn’t bring them, we didn’t think we would be staying,” Caleb answers for all.

“In the morning, go and get them. We can all get ready here and go together. It will have to be early since we have to be at Dasher’s wedding before going to my mom’s,” I say as I knock out one of the zombies in the game we’re playing. I don’t usually play, but I’m having fun. After a while, I hand the controller back to Holden and go in search of Briar. She’s curled up in bed, reading, so I join her. Holding her close, stroking her hair.

“You’re really good to them,” she snuggles closer into me.

“They’re a part of my family. I would do anything for them,” I kiss her head and stroke her back.

“I want to do something nice for Tristan,” she sits up and faces me.

“I should have invited him earlier. He doesn’t make a big deal about holidays, but he doesn’t have anyone like the others have,” I say, “I feel like shit for forgetting.”

“We will make it up to him, though I’m sure he’s the type of guy that wouldn’t want us to make it a big deal,” she shrugs, snuggling back into me and sighing.

I stroke her back until she falls asleep in my arms and I follow soon after, happy and content. I love naps.


I love wearing King’s clothes, they smell like him and make me feel happy and safe. I’m glad that I told him about my past and happy that he still loves me after sharing with him. Going to sleep in his arms and waking up feeling loved is a great feeling. I have a good man who cares for me and my brother. This is my new normal and all the boys… men, they’re men, are my new family.

“Dinner is here,” Thorn calls down the hall. I check my hair, smoothing it down and head to eat. I’m starving after spending the day at the pool.

I’m almost to the door when Kingston’s phone starts ringing.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic