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“And you’ve never joined him?”

“I never had a reason to, until now.” I felt my mast stiffen as I watched her reaction.

She lowered her eyelashes, taking hold of her drink and bringing it to her lips. I could just imagine those rosy lips pressed up against mine, parting to allow me entrance into her inner world.

“Connor said that you saw me at a café,” Bre observed.

“That’s right.”

“And you knew that you had to have me?” she teased, nearly causing my cock to jump out of my pocket.

I wasn’t sure how to respond. She was so much more direct in person. Most of the time, sex was an unspoken conclusion. The women that I went to bed with were proper and aloof until the very end. Bre was different. She was being matter-of-fact about the whole transaction, and that was an incredible turn-on.

I wanted to know more about her, but at the same time I didn’t. Maybe it would make things even more exciting if we were practically strangers. We both knew Connor and trusted him to set us up. It sounded like Bre was interested in possibly screwing both of us at the same time.

I knew that Connor would be into it. He had suggested the very same thing to both me and Bre. I also knew that he wouldn’t do anything to make either of us uncomfortable, hence his decision to let us get to know each other on our own.

“Connor’s bisexual,” I told Bre. Since it was all out in the open, I might as well be honest.


“Yeah, he just likes sex.”

“Have you slept with him?”

“No. I’m straight. But Connor’s a good friend, and I might be willing to experiment.”

“Connor is a good friend,” she said. “He’s a good listener.”

“Yes, he is,” I replied, thinking of all the times I had used Connor as a semi-therapist.

“I’m really not hungry,” Bre sighed when her salad arrived.

“Take it to go,” I suggested.

She reached for her purse, and I stopped her. “Please,” she said.

“I insist,” I put my foot down.

The price of a salad and two beers was nothing to me. I knew that Bre was a nanny and would have a harder time coming up with the funds. There was also the question of her employer, a man named Flynn Campbell. Connor told me that Flynn had been to see him and had practically announced his intention to bed Bre. Was Flynn someone else I would have to contend with?

I wanted to ask but didn’t know how. In a very real sense, what Bre did on her own time was none of my business. And yet I had to know. I considered how to sneak it into conversation without seeming judgmental.

“How are things going with your boss?” I asked casually. “Connor told me there was some drama.”

“No drama,” she replied, finishing up her beer. “We resolved it. I think.”

“That’s good.” I offered the waitress my credit card. “Can we get a to-go box?”

“Sure thing,” the waitress said, retreating into the back. She returned a moment later with a cardboard box and my card. “Thanks for stoppin’ by.”

I handed Bre the box, wondering what she meant by resolving the drama. I didn’t think I could ask without being nosy, and I didn’t want to turn her off. If she was sleeping with Connor and Flynn, then I would be lucky to count myself among those men. I knew Connor had a heart of gold. If Bre was interested in her employer, there must be an equally compelling reason.

I watched as she pushed her salad into the box, sealing it up by connecting three side flaps. I still had a bit of drink left in my glass, but it seemed like the date was over. We had established that we were both interested and willing to pursue a physical relationship. I guessed that was all there was on the agenda.

It seemed so easy, almost as if it wasn’t real. How could such a beautiful woman walk right into my arms without any conditions or hesitations? Did things like that happen in the real world? Or had I slipped and fallen into Connor’s reality where people were willing to have casual sex just because it felt good?

I stood up, holding out my hand to help Bre rise. We walked out of the pub together, into the wind tunnel that the city streets had become. She almost got swept away, her takeout box flying from her hand and coasting down the sidewalk.

Tags: Sofia T. Summers Billionaire Romance