Page 26 of Reign of Wolves

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Chapter 7


I sat on my bed, surrounded by spell books. I had to find an answer to this puzzle, a hint to the solution. Something that I could do to save my wolves if the high warlock came after them!

“Hey sweetheart,” Kyle called out as he walked into the room. “Whatcha doing?”

I slammed shut another leather-bound tome and tossed it onto the growing pile on the floor. “Nothing useful.”

He sat on the bed and ran his warm hands over my arm. I glanced up, anger and frustration pulsing through my veins at the thought I might not be able to find an answer to our problems.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he said.

I shook my head. “It’s not okay, Kyle. I have to find a spell that can help us.”

“Help us do what exactly?” he asked, picking up one of the nearby books and staring down at the pages with a frown.

I smiled and took the book from him. “They’re written in an ancient warlock language. Sorry, you won’t be able to read it.”

“Yeah, I got that immediately.” His grin never seemed to falter. “So... what are you looking for?”

I picked up my pencil and twirled it between my fingers. “We need to get out of this realm, past that locked veil barrier, and I’m looking for a way out.”

“Like... you mean...” He huffed. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I laughed, because it felt good to let out tension in a positive way, and because Kyle was so cute my heart ached. “I mean, let’s break out of here! Find a way through the veil, or over it, or under it. I don’t know. But it can’t be so impenetrable that a witch with decent power can’t find a way out. A weak link in the chain, so to speak. There has to be one.”

Or at least, enough of a gap that we could slip out undetected.

“Do you think you could take a break?” He trailed his fingers up my thigh. “Xander and I thought we could have dinner soon.”

His touch sent a frisson of heat into my belly, making me pulse and ache for all those things that were rudely interrupted this morning. Perhaps after dinner we could continue?

I wondered if we should wait for Michael. The thought of having all three of them around me was equal parts nerve wracking and exciting. Could I really handle three men in my bed? Three strong, powerful men?

Of course, I could.I’m a strong, powerful woman.

Tags: Amelia Shaw Paranormal