Page 130 of Wild Child

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It feelsodd to wake up here. I half expect Zeke to shimmy over to me, wrapping me up in his strong arms, kissing my shoulders with warm lips. I miss the husky croak to his voice when he saysgood morningand how the first thing that wakes up is my sex drive.

I roll over in bed and reach out, but of course, the bed is empty, and a deep sense of longing weighs me down. Even though in a few hours I’ll be with him again, I can’t stop the deep pain of missing him. Waking up next to him is all I want. I crave the way he makes me laugh. I want to be staring at him right this second and watching him smirk and say,you creepin’ on me, Forrester?

A muffled sound catches my ears. Odd, because the place is big enough that if people are arguing downstairs, it can only be heard if they’re yelling.

I get out of bed and waddle to the door with the lean-back walk that happens to pregnant women in movies.

The voices catch my attention again, and as I trudge down the stairs, I see my mom pacing in the foyer.

“How did this happen?” she screeches. “Lisa! Who leaked this? Was it Cardale? He said he was going to take me down. But coming after my daughters?”

She waves a magazine in her hands like her assistant could see it through the phone. My heart sinks as I catch a glimpse of the paper. It’s a tabloid.

“Mama?” I ask, and Mom softens the moment she looks at me. “Can I see that?”

She hands me the paper, and I look at the cover. My gut drops so heavily, I sink to sit on the stairs.

“This is him?” she asks. “The guy who….” She trails out and gestures to my body—the bump growing by the day.The guy who did this to youis what I’m guessing she was going to say.

“Yes,” I say with zero emotion. I’m just so ready for this to be over. I’m exhausted and scared and confused, and more than anything, I just want him here with me.

“I have to go, Lisa. I’m sorry. I know you just got back from your vacation. It’s not your fault.” She hangs up and growls, her lip curling, and she plops down next to me on the steps.

She stares at the magazine for a moment, pulling it closer, then farther away.

“This is the guy?” she asks again.

“That’s him, Mama. You seem shocked that I could land a guy that good-looking.”

“Oh no, sweetie, I’m shocked that a man who looks like that would hide himself away in a tiny, backcountry town. Good Lord, put a guitar in his hands, and I could turn him into a god.”

I choke and cough. “Maaaaaaaaa,” I shriek.

“What?” she says, slapping the magazine down on my lap.

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about him like that. It’s weird.”

“I’m just trying to make this less of a thing.” She puts her head in her hands, and I rub her back before resting my head on her shoulder.

“He’s flying in this morning,” I say, and she whips her head up with shock on her features. “I’m meeting him at the airport. It was supposed to be a secret, but I think you’re going to need to be prepared for it. Mostly I don’t want Dru to know.”

I bite my lip at the admission, and Mom’s shock turns to a frown. “Why do you want to keep it from your sister?”

My heart flutters, and panic rises in me as I choose whether to tell her or not. Do I trust my mother with the news that my own sister might be selling me out?

“She doesn’t like him. I don’t want to deal with her snark.” I deflate as the words tumble across my tongue. I’m such a chicken shit. Telling her the truth wouldn’t necessarily be better here, though. I still have this waffling feeling like maybe it is her, maybe it isn’t. There are missing pieces, and I don’t need to force deeper wedges between my family if I’m unsure.

“Well, I’m coming with you,” Mom states, and I open my mouth to protest, but the stern look on her features tells me it’s futile.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I say instead. “This isn’t going to make things any easier.”

She glances over at me, her eyes shining. “Nova, I’m going to be a grandma. I don’t give a shit about those stuffy old men right now.”

My heart flutters at the wordgrandma,and a big smile bursts from my core. She’s not angry or disappointed.

Tags: Allison Martin Romance