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Now it’s my turn after my phone pings.

Sara: You’re in trouble.

Seconds later, another text come through.

Catherine: Enjoy.

I show Ady my phone. He laughs, putting his arm around my shoulder. It feels so natural.

I pull away slightly. I still don’t know if I’m ready to jump into the lions' den again yet.

“Come on,” he smiles. “Let's get something to eat. Judging by the cocktails you and Bry were knocking back last night, I’m guessing you need food. Unless you handle hangovers better these days.”

“No, you’re right. I’m still the same Sara.”

“I hope not.”

WTF! My face must say a thousand words.

“I’m hoping this Sara doesn’t hate my guts.”

We sitdown at a nice outdoor table and order coffees. I’m nervous about being so close to him again. He keeps peeking up at me over the menu he’s looking at.

“So, how have things really been?” Adrien asked. “It surprised me you stayed after what happened between us.”

Deep breath Sara. Do not go in hot.” When you first got the promotion, I still enjoyed my job. I wasn’t going to chance that because of a boy. Of course, all of that changed.


“Sorry, I’m trying to reign in the bitchiness.”

“Well, you’re failing.” He smiles, obviously trying to break the tension. “You're not the one who needs to apologize.”

Tell me something I don’t know.

Raising my eyebrow, I put my menu down.

He shifts in his seat uncomfortably. So he should be too.

He opens his mouth to speak, and the waiter chooses that exact moment to come to us.

We order our food, and he serves us our coffee.

Neither one of us says a word. You could cut the tension with a knife. He’s probably thinking I’m gonna need to break the tension. But I’ve waited five years for Adrien to have some sort of apology thrown my way. The old me would have been babbling by now.

I stay quiet.

“I’m sorry Sara.”

He picks up his coffee, taking a sip, probably wishing it was something stronger. He’s the idiot who chose to meet up for breakfast.

I wait for him to elaborate more. And wait. Surely,Surely to god, that is not the end of his apology.

It’s then I look at the pained expression on his face. I refuse to make this easier on him.

That might make me sound like a bitch, but I don’t care. He made me this slightly colder person.

“What more can I possibly say, Sara? I was a jackass, but you were partly to blame on the demise as well.”

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance