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To say I need this break is a huge understatement. I’m glad my assistant forced me to leave a few days early. I guess when you leave that same woman who is in charge of your calendar, as well as your travel, she can basically do whatever she wants. When I flew into Miami, this morning, my best friend Bryan greeted me. I felt lighter. Bryan knows I work my ass off, and I think I surprised him when I came in a few days early for the wedding. We spent the afternoon in various bars, playing pool and just catching up. Bryan is one of my oldest friends. He’s definitely one of the few people who knows the real me. After losing my brother to a heart attack last year, Bryan was probably the closest person I have left.

He’s always been like a brother to me. More so than my brother actually was.

Bryan is talking, but I couldn’t tell you a single thing he has said the last couple of minutes because unless my eyes are playing tricks on me. Sara has just walked in with Catherine. My Sara.

When Bryan showed me a photo of Catherine’s best friend and bridesmaid a month ago, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s the same feeling I’m having now.

“Adrien,” she says, giving me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. “When Bry told me you were in town early for the wedding, I had to come and see it to believe it.”

I laughed, guilty as charged. My friends think I’m a workaholic, and I guess they’re right.

“What can I say? I’m trying something new.” I laughed. I’ve known Catherine and Bryan for a hell of a long time. I couldn’t be happier that the two of them are finally getting hitched.

I see Bryan looking around, obviously thinking the same thing I am. Catherine was supposed to be coming with her friend.

“Where’s Sara?” asked Bryan whilst trying to get the waitress’ attention.

“She just popped to the bathroom.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her walking towards our table. She looks like she still wants to pull my eyes out.

This should be fun.

I can’t blame her. The guy I was when we broke up was less than perfect. Who the hell am I kidding? I was a complete and utter asshole. I was only thinking of myself.

“Bryan,” she excitedly smiles, giving him a huge tight hug. Okay, not loving the jealous feeling seeing Bryan with his arms that tight around Sara. She turns to look at me. “Adrien,” she says, a hell of a lot less friendly. Bordering on cold!

Looks are exchanged around the table.

“Do you two know each other?” Bryan is looking a little worried. He knows my reputation. He also knows I can be a bit of an asshole, especially in ending things.

“A ‌very long time ago.” Nobody could mistake the tone in Sara’s voice.

She turns around to meet Catherine’s WTF expression, all smiles.

Catherine is looking worried. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Catherine and her are best friends, but I also know Catherine has a bit of a soft spot for me out of all Bryan’s friends. Of all Bryan’s friends, I’m probably the one she gets on with the most. She also sees right through the reputation that has been following me around since college.

“Ady,” she says to Catherine.

Sara only has to say the one word for them to know what she’s saying. It seems I’ve come up in conversation before.

Catherine’s eyes go wide. I can tell with that one word, the girls are talking in code. A code I’m not exactly loving being on the receiving end of.

She’s also the only person to ever call me Ady, apart from Bryan. A fact that will not have got past Bryan. He’s obviously keeping that info close to his chest.

“Shit!” Catherine and Bryan say in perfect unison, looking at each other wide-eyed.

I’m suddenly getting a terrible feeling.

“But that was a long time ago. We’re all adults here.” Sara uses that megawatt smile I used to see her use when clients were pissing her off and she had just grin and bear it.

I suddenly realize I’ve not said a single word. It’s not often I feel this out of sorts. “Sara you look great.”

Not a lie. She looks amazing, not that she didn’t before.

“Thanks,” she said, her cheeks flushing. If I was the asshole everyone thought I was, I’d be drawing attention to that fact.

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance