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“What do you mean?” Eirik asks.

“Looks like a bomb in here. Wonder where they were planning on placing it?” Asgar says.

“Be careful with the fucking bag, dude,” Tal warns as Asgar pulls his arm through the strap and throws it over his shoulder, so that it is hanging from his back.

He looks back at Tal and grins. “Relax, it hasn’t been triggered yet,” he reveals with a shrug as we walk inside the club

“You should leave it outside.” I don’t feel comfortable knowing that there is a bomb near where Esmeralda is.

Asgar looks back at me, a frown on his face, but he nods and retracts his footsteps to go and place the backpack somewhere safely out of harm’s way.

I make my way inside carrying the asshole who is starting to awaken. I pull him off my shoulder, dropping him onto the ground in our meeting room. The other one is already on the other side, against the wall. Tor is standing by the window, looking out at the night, still only wearing his jeans and nothing more. When everyone is finally in the room, and the door is closed, he turns, his eyes flashing in anger.

“What the fuck is going on with the security in this place?” he roars as he looks at Haldor, who is responsible for the prospects. Haldor raises his hand, running his fingers through his hair as he scowls.

“Don’t know, but I will find out.” The two prospects that brought the other intruder up left as soon as they had him where we wanted him.

“Tomorrow, I want cameras installed on the walls. I want security pumped up,” Tor orders as he walks up to the table, banging his fist on it for emphasis. “We are in a fucking war, and these pricks are waltzing in here without us knowing about it.” Tor’s muscular arms are bulging in anger, proclaiming his rage. “I want to know what happened today, and how the fuck no one heard them come into our property except for Dag’s woman.”

He turns, looking at the two men sprawled on the ground. “Make this quick and painless and tell us what you are here for?” His fists are now low on his hips as he stands, looking down at the men. Every fibre in him screams danger, and they would be idiots to ignore it.

“We heard it was good hunting ground here,” one of them says sarcastically.

“You usually go hunting with explosives?” Asgar asks from where he is leaning against the wall, but before the man can answer, Tor has approached him, his step determined as he leans down picking the man up by his hoodie. A second later, he is standing before Tor with his jaw slack at how easily Tor manoeuvred him. It’s clear that his bluster has left him.

“I’m only going to ask this one more time. Why are you here?”

“Ge… get,” the man starts, but then swallows loudly before continuing, “Get the woman, and blo… blow up the… the club.”

Tor lets go of his hoodie, which has him taking a step back to keep his footing.

“Who ordered it?”

I see the man glance at the other one before he looks at Tor again.

“Our leader,” he states with a shrug.

“So, Sean,” Tor states.

I see the men’s surprised faces.

“You thought we didn’t know, did you?” Tor asks with a raised brow as he shakes his head.

“What if you couldn’t get to Esmeralda?” I ask, wondering if they would abort their mission, even though it’s clear the asshole wants my woman back. The thought has me grinding my teeth in anger.

“Then we blow up the place anyway,” the one on the floor states with a shrug. “We know that you were responsible for what happened today to our businesses,” he says angrily.

“Yes, we were, and it looks like they didn’t learn, so today Sean dies,” Tor states as he starts making his way towards the door. “Get rid of them. We ride in the morning,” he orders as he walks out, looking towards Haldor that has approached the men. I see him scowling as he looks at them.

“How did you get onto our property?” he asks.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” the one on the floor says sarcastically, which earns him a backhand from Haldor.

“Over the wall,” the one that has been talking says.

“You are going to show me where.” With those words, he inclines his head towards the door, which has the man looking at him suspiciously and not moving. “Now,” Haldor says softly, but everything in his tone professes to the anger he is holding back. The inflection in his tone of hell to come if the fuckers don’t comply has the asshole hurriedly making his way towards the door. The other goes to stand and follow but Colborn goes to stand before him and shakes his head.

“You had your chance,” he says with a smile just before he punches him in the mouth. “You talk too much,” Colborn says conversationally as the man grabs at his bleeding mouth.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal