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DAG 16

“Dag,” Esmeralda whispers, making my eyes snap open, thinking that she’s having one of her nightmares again, except this time she is calling my name instead of that motherfucker’s name.

“It’s okay, baby, just a nightmare,” I murmur as I stroke her back, only to have her sit up.

“No, Dag, can’t you hear it?”

Realizing that Esmeralda is awake, I sit up, trying to hear what she is hearing.

“What?” I can’t hear anything out of the ordinary.

“You always have four or five prospects patrolling, today there are six.”

Her reply has me frowning. Maybe one of my other brothers is outside.

“It’s okay, baby, maybe one of the oth…” I start to say, but Esmeralda interrupts me.

“No, listen!”

Even though I listen, I don’t hear what she can. Shaking my head, I wait. “There are two more footsteps, but they are human.” Her revelation has me out of the bed and pulling up my jeans. All my senses are at attention. If those fuckers think they can come in here, and they want to attack us when are women are around, well, they have made a big mistake because they’re going to fucking die.

“Stay here, don’t leave the room.” I can see her worried face; the fear is clear on it. Just for that, I will kill the bastards. “It’s going to be okay.” I lean down, kissing her lips in a hard, possessive kiss before I turn, leaving the room.

“We have a breach,” I roar before heading outside. I hear movement from inside telling me that the others are following. How is it that the prospects didn’t hear the humans? Standing outside, I listen, trying to figure out which way they are coming from. There are running feet and rustling, but I can’t tell which is human and which isn’t.

“That way.” My eyes snap up to my bedroom window to find Esmeralda hanging out of the window and pointing towards a clump of trees.

“Get inside and close the fucking window.” Seeing her there has my heart racing. If there are men on our property whose intention is finding and killing her, then her hanging out in plain sight where anyone can take a shot at her has my anger rising.

“Just helping, jeepers,” she mutters as she steps back and closes the window.

“What the fuck?” Tor asks as he joins me.

I glance at him and notice his low waisted jeans are on and nothing else, which tells me that he was naked and hurriedly donned on his jeans when he heard me.

“That way, two guys.” I start heading that way before I’m even finished talking. Tor is right next to me as we rush towards the trees. I hear the other men making their way after us, but my sight is set on finding the assholes that are here after my woman.

Contrary to Esmeralda’s gift, I haven’t conditioned myself to hearing the difference between humans and Elementals, something which I need to remedy starting tomorrow. I stop, lifting my head. I sniff the air trying to capture any type of essence that will be different from the normal smells in this area.

And then I catch a light whiff of something different. It’s not the normal earth and pine fragrance that wafts around here at this time of night. Instead, there is a slight cologne that is definitely not from any of the Elementals.

My anger is now riding me as I home in on one of them. I will catch the motherfucker, and then I will find out what he is here for. If it is to capture Esmeralda, then they are both dead. I see a movement in the distance which spurts me on. When I’m a couple of feet away, the one asshole sees us coming and raises his weapon to shoot, but it’s too late. I’m grabbing the gun out of his hand, throwing it over my shoulder before I grab the big bastard around the neck, pulling him off the ground.

His legs are kicking as they try to connect with me. His hands are on my hand that is squeezing his neck, trying to pry my fingers open. I can hear gasping to my right, which tells me that one of the others must have restrained the other asshole.

“Why are you here?” I ask, but instead of answering, he renews his efforts in getting free. Dropping him onto his feet, I pull back my arm, and then I’m punching him in the stomach, hearing the air whoosh out of him. Before he can regain his breath, I’m punching him again, which has him falling back unconsciously.

“Well, that is one way of doing it,” Eirik says from where he is standing against a tree with his arms crossed across his chest.

“He was starting to piss me off,” I mutter as I twist my hand into his black sweatshirt and the other one between his legs as I lift him up to toss across my shoulder. We will take him to the club and interrogate the fuckers to find out everything we can before we dispose of them. Looking towards two of the prospects that are now dragging the other guy to the club, I scowl. “How come you didn’t hear them?” I ask.

We are quite the ways back, therefore it is understandable that we didn’t realize we had two intruders. But they were out here patrolling. They should have heard movement, or sensed them. “We will discuss that later,” Tor states as he starts making his way up to the club, his tone professing to his displeasure at this situation. First, they let my woman out of the property without even knowing that she was escaping, and then they let two intruders into the property, not even realizing that they were here.

If it wasn’t for Esmeralda’s warning, they would have been inside the club before we realized they were here. “If they didn’t warn us, who did?” Tal asks as he falls into step as we make our way up to the club.

“Esmeralda woke me, she heard them,” I reveal, pleased that my woman has contributed to keeping us safe. This will help her confidence in realizing that she is, in fact, helping us.

“Well, looks like they had some explosive plans in mind,” Asgar says from where he is walking before us as he looks into one of the men’s backpacks.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal