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Chapter Four



She drifts off to sleep fairly quickly but I don't. Being a police officer means you see a lot of shit that keeps you up at night. It’s not like all that dirt and grime that you have to deal with just goes away or that you can just turn it off. Some of the guys might be able to but I can’t. Of course, if I had someone as sexy as this little thing in my bed, I might find sleep easier to reach.

Right now, trying to find sleep is damn near impossible for reasons that have nothing to do with my career choice and everything to do with the fact the room is starting to smell like the little angel tucked away in my bed. This raging hard-on keeps the blood from going anywhere but my cock. I'm lucky though, I thought she was going to give me a hard time about what bed I wanted her to sleep in. There was no way I was letting her sleep in a bed another man had just lain in.

Call me a caveman if you want to but where Milly is concerned, I am finding it very difficult to keep the urges to go all alpha protector on her under wraps. I've never been like this with anyone before. I saw other men try to pull it off and just thought they had issues. Hell, I even thought Charlie had lost his god damn mind when he was so protective of Rani but now, I understand. Now I'm probably going to have to apologize to the fucker for thinking the shit I was thinking about him.

I look over at the angel sleeping right across from me. It’s not close enough for me, but I'll start small for her sake. When we went out and looked around the house, we didn't see any signs that someone had been looking in on Tinsley at all. I don't know for sure if she did see anything but I'm also not going to advocate for everyone to pretend like nothing happened either. One, that wouldn't help if someone was out there and two, it got me closer to Milly who I was thinking about when all the fucking commotion happened.

How do I get closer to her? I know she's shy, I can tell by the way she acts that she might be anxious about talking to someone she doesn't really know. That's okay. She can be however she wants - I don't want to change a thing about her. I just have to figure out how to make her comfortable around me. That's on me, not her.

A sound from somewhere downstairs has me sitting up and reaching for my gun. I wait for the sound to come again to make sure it wasn't just the house settling or some mundane shit like that. This time when the sound comes again it's loud enough to wake Milly up. Her bright eyes flash open and it takes her a second before she's fully taken me in. I look as recognition hits her seconds before worry eclipses it.

I put my finger to my lips in silent communication. We stare at one another until we both hear the sound again. It causes Milly to jump and her eyes to widen on mine. I throw the covers back and stand but before I go too far, I'm bending down to put my mouth close to her ear.

"Stay here."

"What?!" It's a whispered hiss. She turns her head and for a second our lips are close enough that all I would have to do to kiss her would be to lean in a little bit further. "What if this is a trick to separate us?" Her breath fans out across my face and tempts me to take things even further with her.

And I would if another sound didn't come right then. "What do you mean?"

"What if it's a ploy to have all the guys with the guns go running off and the ones without -us- are left like sitting ducks."

Damn, she’s not wrong. "Fine, but you stay close!"

She gives me a nod and both of us stand up. Fuck, she really needs to be in something other than that little nightgown she's flitting around in.

"Do you have a robe or something?" There's no way I'm going to let her walk around in a thin nightgown that I can see her nipples practically poking through.

She furrows her brows together like she doesn't understand why I'm asking this now before she shakes her head no.

"It's cold and that dress is...," practically fucking see through the way your nipples are straining against the fabric, "thin."

"I...I don't have anything. All my clothes are in the other room."

"Shit!" I should have thought of that. I go to the dresser where I put some of my things the night before. Once I have one of my thick sweaters in my hands, I turn back to her. "Here, put this on. So you don't get cold."

Watching her arms lift up and the material of her dress drag across her nipples as she puts something I have worn on makes it hard to remember why either one of us are even up. It takes another bang from downstairs to make me move again.

"Grab the back of my shirt and don't let go." She gives me another nod and her small fingers wrap around the white tank I have on.

We step out of the room into the hallway and I can't help but notice how much colder it has gotten. As we pass by the big front window of the cabin I halt.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of snow!" She whispers in awe.

"Yeah, it is. Come on, let's go find out where that sound is coming from and go back to bed before we get too cold." I grab her hand and steer us downstairs before she can question which bed she might be going back to once we come back.

I see a light under the door leading to the garage once we reach the bottom of the stairs. I look back and place my finger over my lips again and she nods not saying a word. I step forward and take a breath before I open the door and go through with my gun up ready to fire. I'm met with at least two other guns being drawn on me.

Milly lets out a little squeak and buries her face in my back as I tense up to shoot to kill. No way am I finding this girl hours before someone takes me away from her. Fuck that!

Tags: Jisa Dean The Last Snow of the Season Erotic