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I slapped the belt against my hand since I couldn’t hit her when she faced me like this.

“I don’t want to lie on my stomach because…” Her hand moved to her stomach.

I eyed her hand, unsure what was happening. Did she have a stomachache? Did she feel sick? I didn’t have a clue. She’d seemed fine a second ago when she was sucking my dick. “What is it, Mrs. Owens?”

She looked down at her stomach, taking her time before she said her next words. “I’m pregnant, Calloway.” When she lifted her chin, reluctance was written all over her face. She was scared of my reaction, scared of this unexpected news.

We hadn’t been trying. She’d been taking her pills as far as I knew. We hadn’t even talked about children yet. I assumed it would happen at some point. I just figured it would happen intentionally.

I had my doubts about being a father since my own was worthless. But Rome would be there with me the entire time. It wasn’t like I would be alone. While I had my darker world, being in charge of Humanitarians United still made me a great role model. Or I could just walk away from Ruin altogether.

It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

But all those questions and discussions could happen at a different time. Right now, she needed my assurance that I was happy, that I would love our baby as much as I would love her. I dropped the belt on the ground then placed my large palms on her slightly distended stomach. I’d noticed she was rounder in that area, but I never cared enough about her physical fitness to pay attention to it. She was perfect, in my ways.

I kneeled down and pressed a kiss to her stomach, my eyes on her. “That’s wonderful, Mrs. Owens.”

“Really?” That single word escaped her throat with such relief that it filled the entire room. Her hands moved over mine, and her shoulders visibly relaxed. “I know we didn’t plan for this and—”

“It’ll be alright.” I kissed her stomach again and rested my forehead against her belly, unable to believe there was life growing inside her. “I’m happy.”

“You are? I was scared what you would think…”

“I’m your husband. How can I not love anything that comes out of you?” My hands slid over her bare stomach to her hips. I rose to my feet then leaned over her, forcing her back to the mattress. I had been intent on fucking her senseless, but now I wasn’t interested in something so harsh. I wanted to make love to my wife, to celebrate the beautiful thing we made together. “I’ll take good care of you, sweetheart—both of you.”

Her hands cupped my face, and she gave me a look of love that had deepened over the years. With every passing day, it grew bigger and stronger. She didn’t just look at me as the man she fell in love with, but as the man she wanted to spend her life with. We’d be together every day until time ripped our bodies apart. But our souls would always remain intertwined.


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Tags: Victoria Quinn Obsidian Billionaire Romance